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Responses: 3
LTC Self Employed
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
12 mo
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - I refuse to dialog with someone who thinks they know it all.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
12 mo
PO3 Edward Riddle The more we know the more we realize we don't know.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
12 mo
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - But those illegal aliens aren't allowed to vote so they do not have representation, unless they vote illegally. The elected officials represent the will of voters, period. Counting non-citizens in the census does nothing to ensure that illegal aliens are represented. It merely inflates the say of those who do vote.

Your words: "Sorry, even in California, you must provide proof of citizenship to get a driver's license." No, you do not, California issues AB60 driver's licenses for those who are unable to provide proof of citizenship. An AB 60 driver's license may not be considered as proof of non-citizenship by voting officials, but merely as a positive proof of citizenship. The only test of citizenship is a sworn statement under penalty of perjury that will most likely never be put to the test.

In Arizona voting case, Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2013 that states are obligated to permit registration for federal elections using the federal form, WHICH DOES NOT REQUIRE DOCUMENTARY PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP. States may have their own form, but they must be willing to accept the federal form.

No state may or will require REAL ID and exclude other forms of ID for voter registration. The only thing REAL ID does - As of May 7th, 2025, U.S. citizens and residents must have a REAL ID-compliant license or ID card to enter federal facilities, board commercial aircraft and enter nuclear power plants.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
12 mo
Maj John Bell
This goes to show how Foxtrot things are.Because democrats know that that's the workaround to making a supermajority and destroying.The u s like california is destroyed right now.

In latin america you have to have I d or you get thrown in jail and deported. The national id card It's not racist in other countries of the world just in the stupid People's Republic of stupid Social Justice Progressive idiots Although once Democratic Party in the USA.

Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. LTC Trent Klug PO3 Edward Riddle Maj John Bell
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Maj John Bell
Edited 12 mo ago
A democrat has been the governor of Oregon since 1987.
Democrats have controlled both houses of the state legislature for more than 30 years.
About 11% of households in Oregon suffer from food insecurity, 3.3% higher than the national average.

MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
12 mo
'Struth . . .
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PO3 Edward Riddle
This is what happens when a bunch of idiots sit around trying to think of new ways to screw their fellow man, or woman Brother Dale. It's all about POWER.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
12 mo
Yepper . . .
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