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Responses: 3
COL Randall C.
Edited 9 mo ago
Reminds me of the reaction of those opposed to the Supreme Court's ruling Dobbs v. Jackson. Same stuff was happening with the extreme left.

Both sides need to take a breath and distance themselves from the nutjobs that call for political violence because they don't like an action from a politician or a judgement from a court.

Accuse the individuals of being partisan or that they put their personal ideology above the actions of their office, but when the rhetoric (or actions) go where extremists are calling for violence because they don't like what someone did, it's gone too far by them, and those "on that side" that tolerate it haven't gone far enough.

This goes for the "Right" AND the "Left". If you decried it during Dobbs and not here or if you didn't call out the actions during Dobbs but are now, then you are being hypocritical.

When is enough going to be enough?
Maj Robert Thornton
Maj Robert Thornton
9 mo
SSG(P) (Join to see), when you see he is posting politically different ideas that you don’t agree with, don’t respond, don’t read it, just move on. When he posts about beer, on the other hand, that is a safe topic for discussion. At least that’s how it works for me.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
9 mo
Yes I agree with you SSgt Gould, Chip does have that irritating ability to get under your skin however, l also agree with what Major Thornton said just keeping on scrolling lol. Trump could S#i$ golden eggs and Chip would still bash Trump. I honestly believe he has a liking to Trump and he just can’t let go. Somewhere deep in his sour liberal heart, he actually loves Trump, that’s why he continues posting all his buddies liberal propaganda bashing Trump. When it comes to Chip, I’d just be like a duck and let his liberal propaganda roll right off your back just like waste water because it’s nasty and not worth drinking,
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD
9 mo
MGySgt Samuel Steen - I haven't heard the term, "be like a duck and let his liberal propaganda roll right off your back just like waste water because it’s nasty and not worth drinking". I like it, and hope you don't mind if I use it. Thanks!
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
9 mo
What I believe is even worse than the hypocrisy is the ignorance that people do not understand than when one party does something to the other party based on party lines the other party will follow suit once back in power. The House impeached Clinton, then the house did Trump twice, and now the GOP is looking at Biden with none of these found guilty by the Senate. Texas has considered taking Biden off the ballot here and really there is better evidence he no longer carries the mental capacity to carry out the duties of president than proof Trump is an insurrectionist. I do not support either states in removing candidates but that is the chain reaction that few understand or accept that these petulant children in office like to do. I never support actions based on party lines even if it is the party I have more beliefs in common.
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LTC Self Employed
We have to remind democrats that. After the civil war, fifty democrats were elected to congress, including the former vice president of the confederacy, so Just qualifying president trump from the colorado ballot is unprecedented because civil war veterans that were democrat took over congress after eighteen seventy and they were all southern democrats, including the former vice president that I just mentioned.


So those liberals in the Democratic Party who think President Trump is History are going to find out how wrong they are.


The fourteenth amendment is being misused today.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
9 mo
SSG(P) (Join to see) This is awesome. I used this yesterday because president trump did not say anything mean and he was not part of the confederacy, and even those confederates were still able to join congress, including the confederate vice president. The democrats are pure evil trying to make up crap that was never enforced.

COL Randall C. LTC Trent Klug MSG (Join to see) MGySgt Samuel Steen
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
9 mo
MGySgt Samuel Steen - The reason they keep trashing Trump is because they are scared of him. Instead of using a fair election they are finding ways to stop him from running.
SSG(P) Owner
SSG(P) (Join to see)
9 mo
The tenants and foundation of our justice system hinges on fairness, equal application, and the accused of anything is innocent until proven guilty. The fact is Trump hasn't even been charged with the "Sedition Act" or insurrection. The truly concerning part is so many have such hate (based on no factual evidence) that are willing to throw out our entire sense and system of Justice for all. "1984" is now, the true authoritarian party is the Democrat party; they're not liberals nor libertarian.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
9 mo
This looks out of place but I would like to comment on a post from Charlie and Chip Concerning possible violence from conservatives but, unfortunately I tired to respond but Charlie has apparently blocked me so I couldn’t respond directly to him about his and Chips warrantless concern of violence that might or might not be coming from the right because of the Colorado case that might be similar to what happened after the raid on Mar-o-lago, something weird because they said no one has been threatened yet. I was wanting to ask him if he or Chip either one I they could name a single conservative that has shot up a congressional baseball ball game, almost killing four with a AK-47. We all know that was a crazy whacked out far left winger that shot two cops seriously injuring them both and then shot and almost killed congressman Steve Scalise. That happened because Senator Chuck Schumer had been inciting violence on the Conservative Supreme Court Justices and so one of their crazies took him up on it. Then again he and half of congress again starting inciting violence when Roe vs Wade being overthrown and poor Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his family could have been killed by another looney democrat. Fortunately no one was killed and they’re alive. They’re alive because the looney democrat called 911 and turned himself in. Imagine that entire family could have been killed because so called friends of the democrats released the address of only the conservative justices. Sadly, the democrats have learned nothing from the pervious two incidents they incited violence against conservatives so now they are once again fear mongering hypocrites and they’re trying to spread misinformation about maybe, possibly, could happen, should happen BUT get this, there’s credible evidence of NOTHING happening but it could, and from this nothing they’re trying to say, well stay vigilant because ANYTHING could happen. Yes anything could happen but it more likely will be coming from the left. It’s really sad that they’re already fear mongering but by tomorrow they’ll be calling it facts just to stir and spread their manure just like their leader Barack Obama that has said on nationally television, all you need to do to defeat your opponent is by creating doubt and basically start throwing out misinformation and disinformation to muddy the waters and that’s exactly what’s happening. I pray democrats don’t start anything crazy that causes some idiot to do something stupid but they’re already blaming republicans incase something does happen. I’ll tell every violence will only create more violence and it saddens me to hear foreign media talking about another civil war in America and rightfully so because Joy Reid from the ReidOut on MSNBC called Trump republicans confederates and she still has a damn job. If that’s that RACISM I don’t know what is.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Chip this is deceptive because Trump will be on the Ballot because the court issued a stay. I won’t doubt your intelligence however, a stay means nothing Changes until the Supreme Court determines the constitutionality of that BS those four angry socialist Trump hating Judges conspiring to do. So let’s get the cart back behind the horses and let the system work. I can assure you the Supreme Court isn’t going to favor those four angry conspiring liberal Trump hating judges determining the out come of the 2024 election with this weak attempt to Trump Trump.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
9 mo
I would like to comment on a post from Charlie and Chip, unfortunately Charlie has blocked me so I can’t respond directly to him about his and Chips warrantless concern of violence that might be coming from the right because of Colorado’s . I was wanting to ask him if he or Chip either one could name a single conservative that has shot up a congressional baseball ball game, almost killing four with a AK-47. We all know that was a crazy whacked out far left winger that shot two cops seriously injuring them both and then shot and almost killed congressman Steve . That happened because Chuck Schumer had been inciting violence and one of their crazies took him up on it. Then again he and half of congress starting inciting violence again and Roe vs Wade being overthrown and poor Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his family could have been killed by another looney democrat. Fortunately no one was killed and they’re only alive because the looney called 911 and turned himself in. Imagine that entire family could have been killed because so called friends of the democrats released the address of only the conservative justices. Democrats are once again fear mongering hypocrites and now they’re trying to spread misinformation about maybe, possibly, could happen, should happen BUT get this, there’s credible evidence of NOTHING and from this nothing they’re trying to say, well stay vigilant because ANYTHING could happen. Yes anything could happen but it more likely coming from the left. It’s really sad they’re already fear mongering but by tomorrow they’ll be calling it facts just to stir and spread their manure just like their leader Barack Obama has said on nationally television, all you need to do is create doubt and basically start throwing out misinformation and disinformation to muddy the waters and that’s exactly what’s happening.
SSG(P) Owner
SSG(P) (Join to see)
9 mo
Three other judges came out strongly against it, they're all leftists as well, and appointed by Democrats. Funny no one is quoting them or discussing their arguments against removing Trump from the ballot.
Earnest McDuffie
Earnest McDuffie
9 mo
There are many stories on here about people on both parties breaking rules and laws. All of them should have been brought to justice. Just like Sen. Mendez. His corruption shouldn't be covered up or white washed. The same laws pertains to Trump. What he did can't be covered up or white washed. No one is above the law in a true democracy. Let the courts decide who is right or wrong, not individuals. No one is going to like every decision coming out of the courts but we must abide by those Decisions, not go crazy and start spouting hate. There's enough of that in America all ready

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