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Responses: 3
LTC Self Employed
The brainwashed students are complaining on campus saying that Israel must stop the genocide, but they don't want to admit that there was a ceasefire until October 7th 2023 and the Palestinians restarted the war with israeli genocide. It's really interesting that we have 15 palestinian Democrats in Congeess that should be voted out in the next election or whenever their turn comes up.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
Palestinian Nazi Waffen SS Democrat sympathizers.

These were genocide units. One of their duties was to exterminate jews and other undesirables.
What is the difference between SS and Waffen-SS?
The two main constituent groups were the Allgemeine SS (General SS) and Waffen-SS (Armed SS). The Allgemeine SS was responsible for enforcing the racial policy of Nazi Germany and general policing, whereas the Waffen-SS consisted of the combat units of the SS, with a sworn allegiance to Hitler.

PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
10 mo
The Palestine Leadership openly say they will not stop until all the Jews are dead.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
SFC (Join to see) Connor students don't get that message and the Gay community who supports hamas are in for a big surprise
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
10 mo
LTC (Join to see) - If people need to go overseas awhile and get to know some of the people they advocate for up close and personal. If they make it back home alive, they might appreciate our Country a bit better.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
You are correct about Hamas, but until now not all Palestinians are Hamas, just as not all Muslims are terrorist.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
10 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - Stan: What do Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Kataib Hezbollah, Ansar Allah, Asaib Ahl al Haq, Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba, Zaynabiyoun Brigade, Fatemiyoun Division, Al Ashtar Brigades, and Saraya al Mukhtar all have in common? Four things that I can think of: they are all proxies of Iran, they all say “Death to Little Satan”, they all say “Death to Great Satan”, and they are currently shooting rockets and other artillery at out Brothers and Sisters trying to kill them. Do you know who Great Satan is? When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee? Would you kiss up toward China during Korea and Vietnam? You are insulting me trying to make excuses for these terrorists. They are taught from birth to hate Jews and Americans. All I say here are facts that are beyond dispute. You better get your head out of where you have it. If you don’t like the truth I post just let it alone and move on to the next one.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
10 mo
SFC (Join to see) - Wow! Such hatred. Sorry but I cannot join in with such hatred of people because of where they live or what their religious belief is.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
10 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison - Not hatred Stan, protecting our homeland from who hates us. If you can't see that than you believe all the poop our mainstream media is shoving down our throats and your foreign service counts for nothing. It appears you learned nothing.

I was hopping reminding you of your service you would remember getting shot at and then think of all our Brothers and Sisters in harm’s way right now because of all these terrorist organization trying to kill Americans. It’s not hate when I quote all factual information Stan. Just because you swallowed all the lies our Progressive Socialists tell our public, it doesn’t mean the rest of us are that gullible. It looks like I wasted my time. Sorry to bother you.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
10 mo
SFC (Join to see) - 1. You have no idea what I read nor where I read it. As a matter of fact, when I address an issue, I try to find as much valid information on that issue as I can.
2. I always remember those in harm's way.
3. I learned a lot as I travelled around this big old world. Primarily, stereotyping anyone based on race, religion, nationality, or any other factor is not only incorrect, but also dangerous, as we jump to the wrong conclusion.
Simply because a person is Muslim does not mean they are a terrorist. I realize many, if not most Muslims have no love for America. I understand that. But that does not mean they are terrorist.
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