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Responses: 6
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Reasonable Assessment!
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CPT Lawrence Cable
Any decent historian could have predicted the final outcome of Afghanistan. I once was in a conversation where someone claimed that Afghanistan had never been conquered. That simply isn't true. It's history is one of being conquered continually. The end outcome has always been the same, that conqueror gets sick and tired of dealing with the cost to occupy this toilet and goes home. Our problem is that we lacked any kind of exit strategy nor had any realistic end game.

I was a bit critical of Bush SR. at the finish of the first Gulf War, I and many others thought we should have finished Saddam off at the time. Looking at it now, it was the right decision. However, mission creep after the ceasefire almost made the second invasion inevitable. No Fly Zones, an almost constant bombing campaign over UN compliance, embargoes. I long ago became of the opinion that if the reason for your war wasn't good enough that you would kill every mother lover that stood in the way of your goals, it probably shouldn't be fought. We didn't have that after Kabul fell and Al Queda fled.
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11 mo
Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa - Hi Ron. I DITTO your post.
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Edited 12 mo ago
We have not been involved in any war that was "worth it" since 1945, when we stopped fighting wars and fought "police actions," or "Operations" or whatever the term-de jour is now.

But, let us not deny the fortitude and sacrifice of all those Americans who served during those times.
Sgt Sheri Lynn
Sgt Sheri Lynn
11 mo
MSG Stan Hutchison “But, let us not deny the fortitude and sacrifice of all those Americans who served during those times.”
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SGT Charlie Lee Amn Dale Preisach
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11 mo
Sgt Sheri Lynn - Hi Sheri. Your comment reminds me of something that my son said when he was in pre-school.
"When they have a war, I'm not going!"
I responded, "Son, I hope you don't have to go to war."
He never did and he'll be 43 on November 3, 2023.
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