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Responses: 4
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
I just love how folks on here keep saying the radical right started cancel culture...there is a technical term for that...HORSE NUGGETS! When you started boycotting Chick Fil A because of their beliefs, hobby lobby for their corporate beliefs et al. Now when the right boycotts Bud Light and Target we are suddenly the radical ones. Because we are standing up for our beliefs we are now radical...well get used to it...it isn't going away. The left started this crap and the right has been silent so long and just sat back and took it and the left isn't used to anyone standing up to their crap and getting stuff shoved down our throats, well the whirlwind is just beginning, get ready to reap it!

Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug MSgt John McGowan Cpl Vic Burk Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark CPL Douglas Chrysler SGT Jim Arnold MSgt James Parker LTC Stephen F. SGT Steve McFarland SGT Mark Anderson SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) SPC Gary C. COL Randall C. Sgt (Join to see) LTC David Brown SFC John Davis
LTC Self Employed
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LTC (Join to see)
I really like to piss off the transgender lift because I have a transgender stepdaughter and when I remind them that lots of them have addictions like my stepdaughter has, depression drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes doing pot and we lately have seen the last couple years four different transgender people get involved in mass casualty shootings but the FBI won't release the manifesto of the last assassin because it'll hurt the feelings it'll hurt the sore Papas of the fake females if they come out and find out that the narrative is that many of them have mental issues. To put things into perspective, I have met full transgender female types at my work and they seem squared away so it's just a large minority that have this problem so I'm not saying that all of them are like this but just like in society there are a lot of depressed people who are straight who end up doing Mass casualties shooting too but when it comes to pointing out that they're transgender and that they have a higher propensity of mental issues addictions, the left doesn't like that. That's why the FBI is silent because they suck up to the lgbtq people even though 50% of the population are female and probably less than 3% are transgender, Democrats think that transgender people are more female than real females and they think that illegal aliens are more American than real americans. That is a sad truth but the old Democratic party didn't used to be this way just the William Shatner weird or what democratic party of today.
SPC Douglas Bolton Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Lt Col Charlie Brown SFC John Davis SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - Pretty much. I always say context is everything. You put everything in context. Thanks Rock.
LTC Trent Klug
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi Totally agree!
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Both sides can use the economic weapon on business
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
And the left boycotts places like Chick fil a because of their views and its OK?? SO when the Right fights back like this we are called every kind of phobe there is plus other names. Whats good for the Goose is good for the gander! The left isn't used to the right fighting back...well you started the wind, time to reap the whirlwind cause we will not sit back and take it anymore.

Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug MSgt John McGowan Cpl Vic Burk Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark CPL Douglas Chrysler SGT Jim Arnold MSgt James Parker LTC Stephen F. SGT Steve McFarland SGT Mark Anderson SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) SPC Gary C. COL Randall C. Sgt (Join to see) LTC David Brown
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - How soon they forget!!!
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - You can't make up stuff like this.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
>1 y
It's the same old story. Boycotts for ne, not for thee!
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi Better look out Brother. You're hurting the left's feelings!
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