Posted on Apr 10, 2022
The Official Agent Orange Presumptive List: Top 40+ Conditions and Their VA Ratings (2022 Update)...
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Thanks for this posting. maybe other veterans who service in Viet Nam will get some help.
GySgt Jack Wallace
Note; When I first EAS from the Corps, I went fishing with Marine GySgt. Sonny French.I noticed when it got hot his hands, back of his neck and lower part of his legs would break-out. It looked like RED-oatmeal. About 15 months later the V.A found Gunny French eaten up with this growth. Later, he passed and the V.A called it something(Agent Orange). He and his family got nothing. He did 3 tours and was in the bush all of his time. Wounded several times also. Back in the early 80's no one wanted to name this growth because no one wanted to pay for this mistake!!!!!!! Hope now Viet Nam vets will get there due.Never to late to help the needy* Gunny French I Salute you and my you rest in peace and for those that also suffered and was denied treatment. Call it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its' about DAMN this is going to be taken care of.
Its' about DAMN this is going to be taken care of.
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