Edited >1 y ago
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 5
Thank you my friend Sgt (Join to see) for posting an interesting viewpoint. The Tower of Babel segment from the Bible describes the origin of languages of mankind. God brought confusion on that group of humanity because they did not acknowledge HIM.
HE blesses individuals with wisdom, skill and knowledge throughout history from the artisans designated to build the tabernacle.
Remember God is in complete control and HE has Satan on a leash. The LORD protects us and HE is the strong man WHO dwells with the soul of each of us.
The conspiracy theories of one world government are alluring but false since people are jealous, egotistical and desire power by nature. Sharing is alien and has to be taught to toddlers.
It is humorous to me that this message is shared via computer :-)
FYI SMSgt Dr. G. A. Thomas PO2 Fred Dunn SSG William Jones SSG Michael Noll PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO2 (Join to see) SPC Chris Hallgrimson SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SMSgt Lawrence McCarter PO1 H Gene Lawrence Linda Lawrence SGT (Join to see) TSgt David L. SGT Herbert Bollum
HE blesses individuals with wisdom, skill and knowledge throughout history from the artisans designated to build the tabernacle.
Remember God is in complete control and HE has Satan on a leash. The LORD protects us and HE is the strong man WHO dwells with the soul of each of us.
The conspiracy theories of one world government are alluring but false since people are jealous, egotistical and desire power by nature. Sharing is alien and has to be taught to toddlers.
It is humorous to me that this message is shared via computer :-)
FYI SMSgt Dr. G. A. Thomas PO2 Fred Dunn SSG William Jones SSG Michael Noll PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO2 (Join to see) SPC Chris Hallgrimson SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. SMSgt Lawrence McCarter PO1 H Gene Lawrence Linda Lawrence SGT (Join to see) TSgt David L. SGT Herbert Bollum
Thanks for sharing, but The dispersal Of The languages was not something God , Opps! About and I do not believe it Could unified anything like that, but Keep us posted!Only God is His Time can do this ,Cause it would be one body in Christ Jesus.God know And sees all And exist outside time as we know it And sees all technology, It. Also has to be in Scripture such possible. Show all scripture, all that tells the Saints it will happened.
SrA Ronald Moore
Being in one mind is in the Holy Spirit, , And man kind is not there, by best Estimate only a chosen few is where we at,And there’s the Countless religions and they are at a odd with each other’
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth Cpl Mark A. Morris LCpl Leo Morrissey Col Joseph Lenertz SGT Steve McFarland Lt Col Charlie Brown SFC Bernard Walko LTC Stephen F. LTC John Shaw Cpl James R. " Jim" Gossett Jr SSG William Jones MSgt James Clark-Rosa Col (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SSG Samuel Kermon SSG Michael Noll LTC Stephen F. CPO David R. D. CPL Christopher Thomas
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