SGT Herbert Bollum

SGT Herbert Bollum

Dates of Service: Oct 1976 - Sep 1983
100% Complete
42 Contacts
Influence Score: 635,365
219 out of 868,022 Veterans
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  • PVT Oct 76
  • PV2 Jan 77
  • PFC Jun 77
  • SPC Feb 78
  • SGT Aug 79

Recent Activity  -


Just shy of 7 years active Army, and 7 years inactive (IRR) reserve.
MOS 26-B at the time and it merged with 26-C for E-6 and above, not great for promotions.
Total service for longevity pay 14 years 5 months 8 days.

GT 147 GM 141 EL 147 CL 141 MM 147 SC 138 CO 127 FA 147 OF 147 ST 147

100% service connected disability rated at VA July, 2021 Permanent & Total
Appeal granted back to Sept 2017

Military Experiences

Jan 1982 - Aug 1983
DS / GS weapon support radar repairer
26B-30 ASI K1
Repair AN/TPQ 36-37 radars when they went down in Grafenwoer, Germany.

Trained another E-5 in working on these as his training had been on other equipment. He had to take over when my ETS came, as there were no other personnel trained on these available yet.

TMDE calibration coordinator for HQ & A Company 123rd Maintenance Battalion.

Returned to Denver, Colorado to go to college, August 5, 1983.
Sep 1979 - May 1981
Squad Leader
Repair TPS-25 radar, squad leader ( only E-5) with experience on the TPS-25 radar operations outside of schools.

Also in same unit as E-3 & E-4 earlier 1977 and 1978.

Rapid Deployment Force during these times. Ready to go anywhere in matter of hours.

This was pre cell phone days when we had to call in to the orderly room any time we went to a different location after duty hours ( leave a restaurant or bar to go somewhere different).
Aug 1978 - Aug 1979
Q-4 / TPS-25 repairer
Repair Q-4 radars for the first 2 months then assigned to DMZ site 12 to repair
TPS - 25 and watch over the NW corner of DMZ.

Returned to Fort Carson, CO as station of choice August, 1979.
Jul 1977 - Jul 1978
Computer & Radar Repairer
Repair and calibrate AN/MPQ-4A weapon locating radar.

This was the same one used to locate artillery and mortars in Viet Nam.

Arrived as a new E-3 out of DS /GS school.

Only a few males were allowed to go DS / GS at that time due to them being assigned to combat units and females were only assigned to DS / GS shops.

At the end of my one year guarantee I was sent to South Korea.


(7 years, 2 months)
Jan 1982 - Aug 1983
TMDE calibration coordinator for HQ & A Company 123rd Maint. BN 1st Armored Division, radio repair shop.TM and FM library and float radio operations.

Repair AN/TPS 36 & 37 radars after unpacking them for deployment throughout Germany.
Drove van trailer to Grafenwoer, Germany with full load of test equipment and parts to maintain these radars.
Jun 1981 - Dec 1981
Fort Sill, OK
School for AN/ TPS 36 / 37 Fire finder radar as an E-5.
They were only accepting experienced repair persons for training on the newest radar at that time.
Aug 1979 - May 1981
Fort Carson, CO
After re-enlisting and being promoted to SPC-5.
Repaired AN/TPS-25 radar and ran the radar section as no other E-5 in the platoon had experience in operating the radar. I had to first fix this radar which had been in-operational since I was leaving for Korea parts were no longer in stock and my CWO purchased at Radio Schack the parts that I needed.
Aug 1978 - Aug 1979
South korea
South Korea
Repair AN/TPQ-4A and AN/TPS-25 radars.

Spent 10 months assigned to Site 12 overlooking DMZ into North Korea to monitor troop and vehicle movements with AN/TPS-25 Doppler radar after 2 months in the AN/MPQ-4A section.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 1981 - Dec 1981

Fire finder Repairman ASI K1

Foreign Language Skills


Hangul (0+/0+)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1986 - 1988

Arapahoe Community College, Higher Education

Associate Degree, Electronic Engineering Technology


SPC Douglas Bolton

Army | Radio Teletypewriter Operator

Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
SPC Woody Bullard

Army | Military Police

Gainesville, FL

Endorsed for: Overall leadership and character. Service in South Korea and Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Dear Sergeant Herbert Bollum, I am endorsing you; for your exemplary/outstanding service/sacrifice in the United States Army!!!
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for being gentlemanly, for being a dedicated "RPer" and for being an all-around "good fellow"!
Sgt Jerry Genesio

Marine Corps | Administrative Clerk

SGT Herbert Bollum cares about our country at a time when it is in grave danger of being subverted from withi... <a class="show-endorsement" data-remote="true" href="/endorsements/161657">See more</a>
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