Posted on Apr 7, 2020
The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day!
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 47
How to Identify Negative People.
It is important to learn how to identify people who frequently show a variety of negative personality traits. Here are some signs that may tell you someone is a negative person:
1. They are always complaining.
Negative people whine a lot, and are often convinced that the world is working against them. They can always find something to complain about, whether it be nasty weather, responsibilities at work, or just mere bad luck.
They aren't able to step back and take a look at other factors, like having a lack of energy or having to do hard work.
2. They have a negative view of the world.
They never look for the good in the world. Albert Einstein reportedly once said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
People who are negative can never see miracles in the world.
3. They expect the worst from life.
Negative people thrive on anticipating the worst. This mindset of constant worry is geared toward a need to constantly feel protected and alert.
They likely figure that, if they expect the worst, they will not be disappointed when they get it.
4. They are always victims.
Everyone may whine for a minute if something goes wrong, but after a bit of grief time, most of us can pull ourselves together and renegotiate what we want in ways that are more in line with reality.
This temporary state of self-pity is nothing compared to how negative people tend to feel. Negative people often seem familiar with crises, traumas, or illnesses because they are used to assuming that life is a fight that you always lose.
If you have the mentality of a perpetual victim, you avoid having any hopes become crushed.
5. They have thin skin and are easily insulted.
Negative people are likely to be overly sensitive to criticism, and can even turn a compliment into an insult.
They often interpret innocent remarks as being rude, when, in the same situation, a positive person would not overanalyze the comment.
6. They are never upbeat or positive.
A negative person misses out on the positive things in life. They hardly recognize joy, passion, or excitement because they rarely experience these emotions or sensations.
When they are fixated on their unsatisfying lives, jobs, and relationships, it is hard to be upbeat or positive.
7. They are a source of constant complaints.
A complaint refers to a circumstance in one's life that they wish were different. This could be something small, like a misplaced set of keys, or something bigger, like being mistreated by a boss.
Even if a complaint is justified, it still means that we are not getting our way. Negative people often feel like they are never getting their way, so they have a lot of things to complain about.
They cannot see that their complaining is adding to their dissatisfaction with life.
8. They think everyone else is wrong.
They are the only people who are ever right.
Seriously, how can everyone else be so stupid all the time? Between co-workers, clients, and even friends, negative people often feel like the only intelligent people on earth.
What they don't see is that if everyone around them is always wrong and they can hardly handle it, the problem likely lies within them.
People are smart—not everyone, but a good amount of them. Negative people don't realize that they are not the smartest people in the world.
Learn how to deal with negative people and identify the signs of a negative person.
9. They have bad reputations because of their attitudes.
Other people begin to pick up on the attitudes of negative people. Usually, it isn't too hard to realize that someone never has anything positive to say.
This can quickly develop a reputation, which can have adverse consequences for the negative person.
10. They are rarely loving.
Why would they be? They struggle to see the good in other people, so it is probably difficult to be loving and supportive of anyone.
11. They love to dwell on bad news.
Negative people love approaching others and mentioning the most recent terrible news. The problem here is that overexposure to negative news affects a person more deeply than was previously thought.
Research has shown that media exposure to violence and tragedy contributes to depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It can strongly influence a negative person’s outlook on life.
12. They use the word “but” a lot.
A negative person may slip out a positive comment now and then, giving you hope that they are happy living in the moment for once. But before you take a sigh of relief, you will likely hear them say, “But”—which will quickly turn their positive comment into a negative one. You may hear something like “It was a good restaurant, but it was way too noisy.”
13. They achieve little in life.
Not every low-achieving person is negative, but negativity can certainly lead to low achievement. Negative people see themselves as being not smart enough, not strong enough, or just not good enough overall.
But it is often their emotional intelligence that is hindered by their critical attitude. Also, they will be quick to tell you stories about how difficult other people were, and how they simply could not work with them.
14. They can suck the energy and optimism out of you.
In addition to their constant demands, negative people can drain you of your energy.
They are unable to create positive energy, and will take up all of your attention, time, and energy while they drag you down with them.
15. Even when presented with good news, negative people find some way to look at it negatively.
Perhaps you are excited to share the news that you landed your dream job, which includes a huge raise. Their reaction? “That's good, but your taxes will be higher.”
Negative people can always find a way to make positive events sound negative. They will warn you to be careful, caution you of any possible obstacles, and tell you to think about it before acting on anything.
Can you think of some of the negative people in your life? Why do you think they are so negative? Is it their job, relationship, or schooling?
MSgt (Join to see) SSgt Billy Chisum SPC Joel Willman Lt Col (Join to see) LTC Jason Strickland CW4 (Join to see) SPC Mike Garcia 1SG Nick Baker 2LT Philroy Hinds SSG Leo Bell SPC Michael Poyma MSG John Melville SGT Brian NileSgt Lorie Sanborn SPC (Join to see) SSG Ryan Moore SSG V. Michelle Woods PO1 Robert George
It is important to learn how to identify people who frequently show a variety of negative personality traits. Here are some signs that may tell you someone is a negative person:
1. They are always complaining.
Negative people whine a lot, and are often convinced that the world is working against them. They can always find something to complain about, whether it be nasty weather, responsibilities at work, or just mere bad luck.
They aren't able to step back and take a look at other factors, like having a lack of energy or having to do hard work.
2. They have a negative view of the world.
They never look for the good in the world. Albert Einstein reportedly once said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
People who are negative can never see miracles in the world.
3. They expect the worst from life.
Negative people thrive on anticipating the worst. This mindset of constant worry is geared toward a need to constantly feel protected and alert.
They likely figure that, if they expect the worst, they will not be disappointed when they get it.
4. They are always victims.
Everyone may whine for a minute if something goes wrong, but after a bit of grief time, most of us can pull ourselves together and renegotiate what we want in ways that are more in line with reality.
This temporary state of self-pity is nothing compared to how negative people tend to feel. Negative people often seem familiar with crises, traumas, or illnesses because they are used to assuming that life is a fight that you always lose.
If you have the mentality of a perpetual victim, you avoid having any hopes become crushed.
5. They have thin skin and are easily insulted.
Negative people are likely to be overly sensitive to criticism, and can even turn a compliment into an insult.
They often interpret innocent remarks as being rude, when, in the same situation, a positive person would not overanalyze the comment.
6. They are never upbeat or positive.
A negative person misses out on the positive things in life. They hardly recognize joy, passion, or excitement because they rarely experience these emotions or sensations.
When they are fixated on their unsatisfying lives, jobs, and relationships, it is hard to be upbeat or positive.
7. They are a source of constant complaints.
A complaint refers to a circumstance in one's life that they wish were different. This could be something small, like a misplaced set of keys, or something bigger, like being mistreated by a boss.
Even if a complaint is justified, it still means that we are not getting our way. Negative people often feel like they are never getting their way, so they have a lot of things to complain about.
They cannot see that their complaining is adding to their dissatisfaction with life.
8. They think everyone else is wrong.
They are the only people who are ever right.
Seriously, how can everyone else be so stupid all the time? Between co-workers, clients, and even friends, negative people often feel like the only intelligent people on earth.
What they don't see is that if everyone around them is always wrong and they can hardly handle it, the problem likely lies within them.
People are smart—not everyone, but a good amount of them. Negative people don't realize that they are not the smartest people in the world.
Learn how to deal with negative people and identify the signs of a negative person.
9. They have bad reputations because of their attitudes.
Other people begin to pick up on the attitudes of negative people. Usually, it isn't too hard to realize that someone never has anything positive to say.
This can quickly develop a reputation, which can have adverse consequences for the negative person.
10. They are rarely loving.
Why would they be? They struggle to see the good in other people, so it is probably difficult to be loving and supportive of anyone.
11. They love to dwell on bad news.
Negative people love approaching others and mentioning the most recent terrible news. The problem here is that overexposure to negative news affects a person more deeply than was previously thought.
Research has shown that media exposure to violence and tragedy contributes to depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It can strongly influence a negative person’s outlook on life.
12. They use the word “but” a lot.
A negative person may slip out a positive comment now and then, giving you hope that they are happy living in the moment for once. But before you take a sigh of relief, you will likely hear them say, “But”—which will quickly turn their positive comment into a negative one. You may hear something like “It was a good restaurant, but it was way too noisy.”
13. They achieve little in life.
Not every low-achieving person is negative, but negativity can certainly lead to low achievement. Negative people see themselves as being not smart enough, not strong enough, or just not good enough overall.
But it is often their emotional intelligence that is hindered by their critical attitude. Also, they will be quick to tell you stories about how difficult other people were, and how they simply could not work with them.
14. They can suck the energy and optimism out of you.
In addition to their constant demands, negative people can drain you of your energy.
They are unable to create positive energy, and will take up all of your attention, time, and energy while they drag you down with them.
15. Even when presented with good news, negative people find some way to look at it negatively.
Perhaps you are excited to share the news that you landed your dream job, which includes a huge raise. Their reaction? “That's good, but your taxes will be higher.”
Negative people can always find a way to make positive events sound negative. They will warn you to be careful, caution you of any possible obstacles, and tell you to think about it before acting on anything.
Can you think of some of the negative people in your life? Why do you think they are so negative? Is it their job, relationship, or schooling?
MSgt (Join to see) SSgt Billy Chisum SPC Joel Willman Lt Col (Join to see) LTC Jason Strickland CW4 (Join to see) SPC Mike Garcia 1SG Nick Baker 2LT Philroy Hinds SSG Leo Bell SPC Michael Poyma MSG John Melville SGT Brian NileSgt Lorie Sanborn SPC (Join to see) SSG Ryan Moore SSG V. Michelle Woods PO1 Robert George
Sgt Kelli Mays
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - Life is too short to be so unhappy...I wake up every day without any real thoughts...I do not try to think..what will happen today...any problems that may arise, I take with a grain of salt...I just tackle it head on and either I'll find a way to fix r overcome it and move on...but I won't be angry or complain about it. Saturday night, I needed to go to Walgreens to get my aunt's medicine then to Costco to fill up my tank. I had not started or driven my car in over 20 days....well, my car would not start. I picked up the phone...called USAA...and ordered road side service. They came...and started my car...I came home...picked up a few things from Costco..though I had not planned on it. lol Opened the Freezer in the garage to find out everything was not frozen any longer. ...but I noticed it was still very cold...I shut the door and in the morning...started making phone calls...found a repair person...he came by...turned out to NOT be anything major and my freezer is working again. I never complained...never thought about complaining...It's just another day with something that came up that I knew I had to take the bull by the horns and figure it out.
SSgt Marian Mitchell
Oh my goodness, there are several traits that belong to my cook 1 at work!! I must say that I could not be friends with her outside of work setting...
SPC Michael Terrell
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - Only third? I had more than that who would complain that I as showing off when I would find the root cause of long time production problems, along with what was needed to correct the problem while saving time and labor costs. To me, it improve our products. To them, it was lost overtime for doing bad work. For instance: I redesigned a test fixture for a circuit board that was averaging 7.5 hours per board. The new fixture, along with a new test procedure reduced the average test time to 15 minutes. The tech who had been doing the testing insisted that it turned out inferior bards, yet returns from the next level dropped to zero. Rather than working together to improve things, negative people want to feel important for being the only ones who can supposedly deal with difficult work.
LTC Stephen F.
I expect you are spiritually mature enough to understand that what is best for us tends to be the result of pain and toil and that what is pain-free tends to be worthless. Our LORD sanctified HIMSELF on the cross for our salvation. I expect you have sacrificed resources and peace to bless others – especially if you are a parent Mikel.
I pray that you and I increasingly demonstrate selfless love towards our family members, friends and neighbors in this time of voluntary and involuntary quarantine, my brother-in-Christ COL Mikel J. Burroughs.
I lift the people who mistakenly believe that the righteousness of Christ in us is corrupted if we associate with the bad in the world – after all Jesus chose to spend time with sinners, publican, prostitutes. LORD I pray that YOU open our eyes to the truth and draw us towards those who need to see YOU. Let them see YOU in us as we minister to whomever YOU lead us towards.
I lift the vast majority of the injured and ill in hospitals, convalescent homes, and at home who are not infected with COVID-19 as well as their family members. I pray dear God that YOU comfort and heal as manty of them sovereignly as possible and use medical professionals and lay people to minister and treat to each one of them. I pray that their family members are shielded by YOU and are healthy.
I pray that YOU bless each researcher and medical staff member with wisdom as they develop treatment protocols for the COVID-19 infected and methods to prevent infection among those on the front lines of this infection.
I pray that the volunteers going through the vaccination for COVID-19 trials will respond clearly to the vaccination and the researchers will glean useful information for each one of those tested.
I pray that the COVID-19 infection in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Manilla, Bombay, New Delhi, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and the surrounding areas has peaked and stabilized. I pray that treatment for COVID 19 is becoming more effective and most of the serious ill have been brought down to moderate to light infection or else healed completely.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Tuesday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich SP5 Jeannie Carle SPC Richard (Rick) Henry
I pray that you and I increasingly demonstrate selfless love towards our family members, friends and neighbors in this time of voluntary and involuntary quarantine, my brother-in-Christ COL Mikel J. Burroughs.
I lift the people who mistakenly believe that the righteousness of Christ in us is corrupted if we associate with the bad in the world – after all Jesus chose to spend time with sinners, publican, prostitutes. LORD I pray that YOU open our eyes to the truth and draw us towards those who need to see YOU. Let them see YOU in us as we minister to whomever YOU lead us towards.
I lift the vast majority of the injured and ill in hospitals, convalescent homes, and at home who are not infected with COVID-19 as well as their family members. I pray dear God that YOU comfort and heal as manty of them sovereignly as possible and use medical professionals and lay people to minister and treat to each one of them. I pray that their family members are shielded by YOU and are healthy.
I pray that YOU bless each researcher and medical staff member with wisdom as they develop treatment protocols for the COVID-19 infected and methods to prevent infection among those on the front lines of this infection.
I pray that the volunteers going through the vaccination for COVID-19 trials will respond clearly to the vaccination and the researchers will glean useful information for each one of those tested.
I pray that the COVID-19 infection in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Manilla, Bombay, New Delhi, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and the surrounding areas has peaked and stabilized. I pray that treatment for COVID 19 is becoming more effective and most of the serious ill have been brought down to moderate to light infection or else healed completely.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Tuesday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich SP5 Jeannie Carle SPC Richard (Rick) Henry
Good morning from Hartland Michigan COL Mikel J. Burroughs - Right now we must remain "Positive" with what is going on around us. Have a great day and give my best to the girls Mikel.
1SG Steven Imerman COL Mikel J. Burroughs Col Carl Whicker PO3 Lynn Spalding PO1 H Gene Lawrence SSG William Jones Maj William W. 'Bill' Price LTC Stephen F. ] Alan K. SGT John " Mac " McConnell ] Maj Marty Hogan SCPO Morris Ramsey SPC Douglas Bolton Lt Col Charlie Brown Sgt Randy Wilber MSgt John McGowan Cpl (Join to see) PO3 Bob McCord SPC Margaret Higgins Sgt Albert Castro
1SG Steven Imerman COL Mikel J. Burroughs Col Carl Whicker PO3 Lynn Spalding PO1 H Gene Lawrence SSG William Jones Maj William W. 'Bill' Price LTC Stephen F. ] Alan K. SGT John " Mac " McConnell ] Maj Marty Hogan SCPO Morris Ramsey SPC Douglas Bolton Lt Col Charlie Brown Sgt Randy Wilber MSgt John McGowan Cpl (Join to see) PO3 Bob McCord SPC Margaret Higgins Sgt Albert Castro
LTC Stephen F.
I expect you are spiritually mature enough to understand that what is best for us tends to be the result of pain and toil and that what is pain-free tends to be worthless. Our LORD sanctified HIMSELF on the cross for our salvation. I expect you have sacrificed resources and peace to bless others – especially if you are a parent Mark.
I pray that you and I increasingly demonstrate selfless love towards our family members, friends and neighbors in this time of voluntary and involuntary quarantine, my brother-in-Christ SP5 Mark Kuzinski.
I lift the people who mistakenly believe that the righteousness of Christ in us is corrupted if we associate with the bad in the world – after all Jesus chose to spend time with sinners, publican, prostitutes. LORD I pray that YOU open our eyes to the truth and draw us towards those who need to see YOU. Let them see YOU in us as we minister to whomever YOU lead us towards.
I lift the vast majority of the injured and ill in hospitals, convalescent homes, and at home who are not infected with COVID-19 as well as their family members. I pray dear God that YOU comfort and heal as manty of them sovereignly as possible and use medical professionals and lay people to minister and treat to each one of them. I pray that their family members are shielded by YOU and are healthy.
I pray that YOU bless each researcher and medical staff member with wisdom as they develop treatment protocols for the COVID-19 infected and methods to prevent infection among those on the front lines of this infection.
I pray that the volunteers going through the vaccination for COVID-19 trials will respond clearly to the vaccination and the researchers will glean useful information for each one of those tested.
I pray that the COVID-19 infection in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Manilla, Bombay, New Delhi, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and the surrounding areas has peaked and stabilized. I pray that treatment for COVID 19 is becoming more effective and most of the serious ill have been brought down to moderate to light infection or else healed completely.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Tuesday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich SP5 Jeannie Carle SPC Richard (Rick) Henry
I pray that you and I increasingly demonstrate selfless love towards our family members, friends and neighbors in this time of voluntary and involuntary quarantine, my brother-in-Christ SP5 Mark Kuzinski.
I lift the people who mistakenly believe that the righteousness of Christ in us is corrupted if we associate with the bad in the world – after all Jesus chose to spend time with sinners, publican, prostitutes. LORD I pray that YOU open our eyes to the truth and draw us towards those who need to see YOU. Let them see YOU in us as we minister to whomever YOU lead us towards.
I lift the vast majority of the injured and ill in hospitals, convalescent homes, and at home who are not infected with COVID-19 as well as their family members. I pray dear God that YOU comfort and heal as manty of them sovereignly as possible and use medical professionals and lay people to minister and treat to each one of them. I pray that their family members are shielded by YOU and are healthy.
I pray that YOU bless each researcher and medical staff member with wisdom as they develop treatment protocols for the COVID-19 infected and methods to prevent infection among those on the front lines of this infection.
I pray that the volunteers going through the vaccination for COVID-19 trials will respond clearly to the vaccination and the researchers will glean useful information for each one of those tested.
I pray that the COVID-19 infection in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Manilla, Bombay, New Delhi, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and the surrounding areas has peaked and stabilized. I pray that treatment for COVID 19 is becoming more effective and most of the serious ill have been brought down to moderate to light infection or else healed completely.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Tuesday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich SP5 Jeannie Carle SPC Richard (Rick) Henry
It takes little effort to be negative, but it can be difficult to see the positive side when things get rough. Good leaders, good people, make that effort to make the best of any given situation.
LTC Stephen F.
I expect you are spiritually mature enough to understand that what is best for us tends to be the result of pain and toil and that what is pain-free tends to be worthless. Our LORD sanctified HIMSELF on the cross for our salvation. I expect you have sacrificed resources and peace to bless others – especially if you are a parent Carl.
I pray that you and I increasingly demonstrate selfless love towards our family members, friends and neighbors in this time of voluntary and involuntary quarantine, my brother-in-Christ Col Carl Whicker.
I lift the people who mistakenly believe that the righteousness of Christ in us is corrupted if we associate with the bad in the world – after all Jesus chose to spend time with sinners, publican, prostitutes. LORD I pray that YOU open our eyes to the truth and draw us towards those who need to see YOU. Let them see YOU in us as we minister to whomever YOU lead us towards.
I lift the vast majority of the injured and ill in hospitals, convalescent homes, and at home who are not infected with COVID-19 as well as their family members. I pray dear God that YOU comfort and heal as manty of them sovereignly as possible and use medical professionals and lay people to minister and treat to each one of them. I pray that their family members are shielded by YOU and are healthy.
I pray that YOU bless each researcher and medical staff member with wisdom as they develop treatment protocols for the COVID-19 infected and methods to prevent infection among those on the front lines of this infection.
I pray that the volunteers going through the vaccination for COVID-19 trials will respond clearly to the vaccination and the researchers will glean useful information for each one of those tested.
I pray that the COVID-19 infection in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Manilla, Bombay, New Delhi, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and the surrounding areas has peaked and stabilized. I pray that treatment for COVID 19 is becoming more effective and most of the serious ill have been brought down to moderate to light infection or else healed completely.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Tuesday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich SP5 Jeannie Carle SPC Richard (Rick) Henry
I pray that you and I increasingly demonstrate selfless love towards our family members, friends and neighbors in this time of voluntary and involuntary quarantine, my brother-in-Christ Col Carl Whicker.
I lift the people who mistakenly believe that the righteousness of Christ in us is corrupted if we associate with the bad in the world – after all Jesus chose to spend time with sinners, publican, prostitutes. LORD I pray that YOU open our eyes to the truth and draw us towards those who need to see YOU. Let them see YOU in us as we minister to whomever YOU lead us towards.
I lift the vast majority of the injured and ill in hospitals, convalescent homes, and at home who are not infected with COVID-19 as well as their family members. I pray dear God that YOU comfort and heal as manty of them sovereignly as possible and use medical professionals and lay people to minister and treat to each one of them. I pray that their family members are shielded by YOU and are healthy.
I pray that YOU bless each researcher and medical staff member with wisdom as they develop treatment protocols for the COVID-19 infected and methods to prevent infection among those on the front lines of this infection.
I pray that the volunteers going through the vaccination for COVID-19 trials will respond clearly to the vaccination and the researchers will glean useful information for each one of those tested.
I pray that the COVID-19 infection in New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Manilla, Bombay, New Delhi, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid and the surrounding areas has peaked and stabilized. I pray that treatment for COVID 19 is becoming more effective and most of the serious ill have been brought down to moderate to light infection or else healed completely.
I pray that each one of YOUR adopted children and their loved ones sleep well Tuesday night.
By the power and authority of the Name above all names, Jesus the Christ.
FYI SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG William Jones PO1 Robert George SGT Steve McFarland COL Mikel J. Burroughs SGT Wanda Shepherd SPC Michael Oles SR (Join to see) PO3 Charles Streich SP5 Jeannie Carle SPC Richard (Rick) Henry
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