LTC Jason Strickland

LTC Jason Strickland

Dates of Service: Dec 1991 - Dec 2011
105% Complete
1188 Contacts
Influence Score: 517,069
258 out of 868,090 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT Dec 91
  • 1LT Dec 93
  • CPT Jan 96
  • MAJ Dec 02
  • LTC Dec 08
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, Dec 1991

Recent Activity  -


Helping organizations reach new levels of success.

Military Experiences

Sep 2010 - Dec 2011
Director, Army Geospatial Intelligence Office at NGA
Served as the senior Army representative of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2; the Commanding General, Intelligence and Security Command; and the Geospatial Information Officer (GIO) to NGA. Responsible for representing Army GEOINT Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation, Dissemniation (TCPED) and related GEOINT policy, programmatic, and Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation (RDT&E) interests and equities with the Intelligence Community's Functional Manager for GEOINT. Provided operational direction and intent for senior subject matter experts in the fields of Imagery Intelligence.
May 2007 - Aug 2010
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Planner
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Planner and Security / Force Protection Officer for NORTHCOM's deployable Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ). Deployed as the NORTHCOM CIP representative to JTFs in support of homeland defense missions and Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA). Assisted in the preparation of operational and contingency plans, briefings, and exercises on issues regarding Department of Defense (DOD) infrastructure. Prepared technical presentations and assessments describing research and analysis on a variety of issues related to CIP.
Apr 2005 - Apr 2007
3rd MI Center
Battalion Operations Officer (S3)
Operations Officer (S3) for a Military Intelligence Battalion comprised of 302 Soldiers and civilian employees in five separate locations. Planned, executed, and administered all operations for a unit that provided imagery intelligence, advanced geospatial intelligence, and geospatial information and services (GIS) support to the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC). Managed the daily operations of seven production divisions that processed, analyzed, and produced intelligence for field commanders, Army staff, and national decision makers.
Apr 2004 - Apr 2005
Senior Intelligence Analyst
Served as the Operations Officer and Senior U.S. Intelligence Officer in the Strategic Operations Center for the Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence (Forward). Responsible for facilitating all intelligence operations reporting and dissemination among the 150,000-strong MNF-I command and the U.S. Embassy. Directly facilitates dissemination for intelligence situation reports, security assessments, briefings, and force protection information to both the MNF-I command group and leadership within the U.S. Embassy, to include the Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission.


(2 years)
Apr 2004 - Apr 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Served as the Senior U.S. Intelligence Officer in the MNF-I Strategic Operations Center (SOC) and U.S. Embassy. Briefed the Deputy Chief of Mission and the MNF-I J3 on a daily basis.
Jan 2002 - Apr 2002
Served as the Deputy Chief of the Iraqi Ground Forces Team within the USCENTCOM Forward Deployed HQ.
Oct 1999 - Jan 2000
Served as the HQ Commandant for Task Force 10 during Operation Fuerte Apoyo (Strong Support) as we provided humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations in Central America after Hurricane Mitch devastated that region.
Sep 1995 - Nov 1995
Served as a Battery Executive Officer and managed our escort mission for Civil Affairs units throughout the country. Also, managed the Cash for Weapons buy back program.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jul 1988 - Aug 1988

Foreign Language Skills

Spanish (2/3)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees


Leadership VA (LVA) Fellowship

Job/Skill Training

2016 - 2017

Office of Personnel Management - Colorado Leadership Development Program

Job/Skill Training


Georgetown University

Job/Skill Training, Working & Communicating More Effectively with Congress

Personal Information

Helping military and veteran familiesHiking in switzerland dirty boots1 HikingF5522e0b SkiingVeterans
How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter