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SGT Robert Pryor
Factually inaccurate on the crossbows, which were used almost exclusively by the Montagnards, who hated the Vietnamese, regardless of political ideology. I dislike the guy in the video using racial slurs, but I guess it's his right. Most folks referred to the Viet Cong as VC, Victor Charlie, or just plain Charlie for short. I, on the other hand, am a firm believer that you either respect your enemy or die at their hands. I certainly wouldn't do anything as disrespectful as use a racial slur the way the guy does in the video. To me, my enemy was "Sir Charles." It served as a reminder to respect them. I hope you young service members are respecting your enemies.
CW5 Jack Cardwell
CW5 Jack Cardwell
5 y
I did not agree with all he said but he has a heck of a collection from the Civil War forward
SGT Robert Pryor
SGT Robert Pryor
5 y
CW5 Jack Cardwell - I agree, it was a great collection. But by the time he implied that all the American GIs who gave their lives in Viet Nam were male, I was too pissed to enjoy the rest of the video. Racism I despise, but at least I put up with it. However, when someone disrespects any American who gave their lives while in service to our country I equate them to that sorry SOB Fred Phelps and his followers. In defense of the old fool at the museum, I suspect he's too stupid to realize how he disrespected the women who gave their lives in Viet Nam, Otherwise he would have re-taped it before posting it anywhere.
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
Great ending.
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