Posted on Dec 27, 2019
"NO MORE RESOLUTIONS! — Action in 2020!" — Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support!...
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 5
Excellent topic as people get ready to bring in the new year. Action counts.
SSgt Terry P.SSG Michael Noll LTC Jeff Shearer SGT (Join to see) Cpl Jeff N. CSM Richard StCyr 1SG Cj GrishamSPC Jon O. TSgt Regina McCloud SPC Nancy Greene SPC Chris Bayner-Cwik CMSgt Steve Inman TSgt George Rodriguez Jennifer Lee (Doerflinger) Hill SGT Mark Anderson SGM Steve Wettstein GySgt Thomas Vick CWO3 Dave Alcantara SFC (Join to see) MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
SSgt Terry P.SSG Michael Noll LTC Jeff Shearer SGT (Join to see) Cpl Jeff N. CSM Richard StCyr 1SG Cj GrishamSPC Jon O. TSgt Regina McCloud SPC Nancy Greene SPC Chris Bayner-Cwik CMSgt Steve Inman TSgt George Rodriguez Jennifer Lee (Doerflinger) Hill SGT Mark Anderson SGM Steve Wettstein GySgt Thomas Vick CWO3 Dave Alcantara SFC (Join to see) MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
Thank you, my friend COL Mikel J. Burroughs for making us aware that the focus for this Saturday evening (28 Dec 2019) "Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Services provided by Victory for Veterans (VFV)" will be: "NO MORE RESOLUTIONS! — Action in 2020!" I understand the context is supporting those suffering from PTSD, TBI and those they impact especially family members.
There are some areas that outsiders can help such as funding and safe locations for meeting and assisting professionally.
1. I have not made any New Year's resolutions this century.
2. I realize that formal political documents include many resolution articles in the format such as "Be it resolved ..." Earlier in this century and in the latter part of the 20th century I helped draft a few of these type of documents.
3. The focus for action is the on the individual suffering from PTSD and/or TBI. If that person is not engaged, external help can provide little relief.
There are some areas that outsiders can help such as funding and safe locations for meeting and assisting professionally.
1. I have not made any New Year's resolutions this century.
2. I realize that formal political documents include many resolution articles in the format such as "Be it resolved ..." Earlier in this century and in the latter part of the 20th century I helped draft a few of these type of documents.
3. The focus for action is the on the individual suffering from PTSD and/or TBI. If that person is not engaged, external help can provide little relief.
Just like the old saying Colonel "Talk is cheap" Doing accomplishes a lot more.
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