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Responses: 7
SFC Retention Operations Nco
You have a few people who just don't like the answer they're being given. More often, their leaders are poor leaders or misinformed about policies. Leaders don't know because they've flown through the ranks faster than they can learn about being a good leader. You have people making the E7 list in 7 years, and CSMs with 16 or 17 years in the Army. That's just not enough time to learn about Army programs and encounter many leadership challenges that force them to add new tools to their tool box.
This isn't just my opinion, a recent study by Rand Institute concluded that NCOs who fast track have greater dissatisfaction in their subordinates, higher rates of administrative discharges, discipline problems, and lower rates of retention.
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SGT Michael Thorin
When soldiers no longer fear punishment, it’s easy to understand how they get to this point. NCO’s have been stripped of the power of intimidation.

Intimidation use to be easy. NCO’s and Officers established their position of intimidation by picking a few brand new recruits and totally break them down: physically and internally, visible enough that everyone has an opportunity to see them.

If you don’t give your NCO’s the authority to lead, then how do you expect us to lead?

This is simply my opinion. I am not a subject matter expert, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night!

Just dropped in a SGT Murphy comic. Hope you enjoy CPT Ray Gilmore.

COL Mikel J. Burroughs,Brig Gen Jim Jaeger,CPT Jack Durish,Maj Marty Hogan,SPC Christopher Smith,Lt Col Charlie Brown,Cpl Scott McCarroll,SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth,SP5 Mark Kuzinski,PVT Mark Brown,SGT Elizabeth Scheck,PFC Jacob Wrubel,MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy,SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL,SSG William Jones,TSgt Joe C.,SSgt Robert Marx,SGT Robert George, LTC Stephen F.
SPC Samantha Stapley
SPC Samantha Stapley
>1 y
I actually got two different Jury Summons while I was deployed!
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MAJ Ken Landgren
The concept of the punishment has to fit the crime takes away tremendous amount of flexibility. I asked a CSM if he ever fucked up in his career. He said once and had to cut a parade field with scissors. He said he never made a mistake again.
CPT Ray Gilmore
CPT Ray Gilmore
>1 y
I have seen it.

Soldiers asked the NCO "why".

The NCO's response was simple. "You don't know how to behave during your free time. Now you don't get any free time."

Korea, was a blessing or a curse for a lot of soldiers. If they kept their nose clean, they left in great shape.

If they didn't know how to handle the little free time we had, then they were on the E1<->E4 Merry-go-round.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
It reminds me of an NCO who said we give them enough rope to swing like a monkey or hang themselves.
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