Recent Activity -
Entered the U.S. Army active duty as a Specialist, with a Bachelors in Business Administration. I am currently serving as a Health Care Specialist in Frederick, Maryland. My professional goals as of now are to move into the private sector.
Directly after High School I jumped straight into college on a sports and academic scholarship. I ran sprints on the Varsity track and field team. Help Student Senate Treasurer for two years, audited school accounts, found leakages in spending, and lost accounts. All while working and maintaining a full course load.
Military Experiences
Mar 2015 - Present
Medical Company Staff
• Assistant S1 personnel responsible for the processing and tracking of passes, and leaves for the Company
• Assistant Training Room personnel responsible for the filing and tracking of records for all service members in the unit.
• Responsible for the Supply Room and all materials within
Jul 2014 - Mar 2015
Protocol Assistant
• Set up and clean up of medical study supplies
• Controlled key access for the medical treatment area, and supply closet
• Issued payment and took accountability for payments given
• Reviewed Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P) as they were updated and changed
• Coordinated meetings for audits
Nov 2013 - Jul 2014
IACUC Coordinator
• Respond to animal care and use questions.
• Serve on the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
• Liaise with the Attending Veterinarian and Principle Investigators in a research setting.
• Provide general oversight on husbandry, animal care, veterinary and surgical operations.
• In coordination with the IACUC, provide informal post-approval monitoring of animal studies.
• In coordination with the IACUC, address reported animal care and use concerns or incidents as needed.
Aug 2013 - Oct 2013
• HQ Platoon, Third Squad
• Moved to HQ Platoon to help assist with CBRN shop and further develop my skills gained after taking the CBRN Defense Course.
• I continued my duties as the Unit photographer while in this position as well.
Military Credentials
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information