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Responses: 13
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Edited 6 y ago
From the article: "How, pray tell? By advocating that state and local law enforcement review three years of social-media history and one year of Internet search history for any person seeking to purchase a firearm."

Are you kidding me? I often get stuff I never intended...or maybe I am writing a paper on anti Semitism...honestly, this is unbelievable.

COL Mikel J. BurroughsLTC Stephen F. SPC Douglas Bolton Sgt John H. TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL TSgt David L. SMSgt David A Asbury MSgt David Hoffman SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown CPL Dave Hoover CMSgt (Join to see) SGT Mark Halmrast SPC Mark Huddleston Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell Sgt Randy Wilber SCPO Morris Ramsey
CPL Dave Hoover
CPL Dave Hoover
6 y
They're killing America slowly.
LTC Owner
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
I was thinking that myself Lt Col Charlie Brown I research insurgent TPP for work regularly...
SCPO Investigator
SCPO (Join to see)
6 y
This insidious encroachment upon our constitutional freedoms and liberties will continue its silent, methodical invasion as long as Americans “continue to live off reality TV and eat fast food.” These issues were microscopic long shots just twenty years ago, perhaps, but no longer. Liberalism, Progressivism, Socialism have combined their forces and ideologies and this is the result. Here, there, and right next door. This screams for a national revolution to stop this spreading disease, but who is capable of leading the uprising? You? Me? The personal risks may be ginormous to any one individual or the collective whole, but doing nothing will seal the fate of this nation.
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SGM Erik Marquez
" A monitoring of three years of social media pages and a deep dive into one year of search engine habits "

You bet, as soon as they pass a law that requires the same before you can run for office, be it the initial bid or reelection. And the searches will be retroactive and current time frames for all those in an elected office now.
Said search results for all elected offices in a position of public trust will be published in three nationally recognized media platforms as well as on a gov web site set up for citizens to research a candidates social media posts back three years and their search engine habits for a year.
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
That'll never happen.
SGM Erik Marquez
SPC Douglas Bolton
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CPT Jack Durish
Sadly, the author opens the essay with one significant error: "Perhaps this should be added to American History classes in the Empire State." What American History classes? That and civics have been banished from American classrooms. Or, if some vestige of them remains, students are learning as much of American History as Ocasio-Cortez learned of economics when she earned her degree in that subject.
SCPO Investigator
SCPO (Join to see)
6 y
You nailed it again, Jack, as usual.
Sgt John H.
Sgt John H.
6 y
SPC Douglas Bolton - It would be difficult to be a teacher these days...
SPC Douglas Bolton
SPC Douglas Bolton
6 y
Sgt John H. - Not paid nearly enough.
Sgt John H.
Sgt John H.
6 y
SPC Douglas Bolton - I wanted to teach history.
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