Recent Activity -
Joined for the first time in July 1986 and entered as PFC. I had a break in service in 1989, then i came back in in April 1991. Graduated from The University of The Incarnate Word, in San Antonio, TX with a Bachelor in International Business. I have retired from the US Army on 30 April 2014. Top awards include the Bronze Star Medal and the Meritorious Servce Medal (1OLC). Awarded the Expert Infantyrmans Badge, Expert Field Medical Badge, Combat Medical Badge, Parachutist Badge, & The AirAssault Badge.
Military Experiences
Jul 2011 - Apr 2014
Equal Opportunity Advisor
Served as the Equal Opportunity Advisor to the Commanding General of the AMEDD C&S. Serviced a total of over 5000 Soldiers assigned at the AMEDD C&S who were attending various training courses. Retied from the US Army during this assignment.
Apr 2009 - Mar 2011
Platoon Sergeant
Served as the Platoon Sergeant for 1 BN 503 PIR, 173rd ABCT. Was responsable for 42 medics in the BN.Deployed to Wardak Province, Afghanistan and participated in 2 rotations at Grafenwöhr and Hohenfels.
Mar 2008 - Mar 2009
Medical Advisor, MiTT
Served as the primary medical advisor to an Iraqi Army Medical Officer. Assisted the officer in establishing a functioning medical aid-station and advised on how to utilize medical assests on the battle field while deployed to Camp Taji, Iraq.
Nov 2006 - Oct 2007
Clinic NCOIC
Served as the Clinical NCOIC for the Health Clinic at Rock Island Arsenal. oversaw all medical services provided to the service members who where stationed at the arsenal and their families.
(3 years, 2 months)Dec 2009 - Nov 2010

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Served as a Medical Platoon Sergeant with 1/503 PIR, 173rd ABCT, as FOB Airborne, COP Carwile, & COP Sayad Abad, Afghanistan.
Feb 2008 - Feb 2009

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Served as a Medical Advisor with a Military Transition Team (MiTT) at Camp Taji, Iraq. Other duties included Comabt Lifesave Instructor & Medical NCO.
Feb 2005 - Feb 2006

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Served a Medical Treatment NCO with the 173rd SPT BN, 173rd ABCT, at Kandahar Airbase, Afghanistan. Other duties included Medical Treatment NCO at the Kandahar Provicial Reconstrution Team (PRT).
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 2013
Health services plans, operations, intelligence security and training officers
Foreign Language Skills
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees