Posted on Aug 18, 2018
Officials Defend Plan To Close Almost All Polling Places In Majority Black Georgia County
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
The story as written seems to be clear evidence of an attempt to alter election outcomes through a discriminatory practice. However, I suspect there's more to the story. For example, are they replacing them with other more accessible polling places? If there are no such plans, then you'd expect a journalist to state that clearly. Yes, of course, you would expect a journalist to delve into such things, wouldn't you? But this is the Huffington Post and you may not get what you expect unless it fits their narrative.
CPT Jack Durish
SFC Shirley Whitfield - Your assumptions are very telling. I've seen countless polling places "moved" during my lifetime, while living in the South, the West, and the middle of the nation. I've never seen polling places just closed down. Polling places are located conveniently in voting precincts. Are you really telling me that you believe that a whole precinct or group of precincts will be denied the right to vote? If that is true, why didn't the "reporter" from the Huffington Post state that clearly? Why isn't every other news media jumping all over the story? If it is true, I would be outraged. Sadly, the only outrage I've felt in recent decades is at the media, such as the Huffington Post, that publish egregiously false stories to promote their narrative.
CPT Jack Durish
SFC Shirley Whitfield - One last time. If they are closing rather than relocating precinct polling places, that is outrageous. However, if that is what is actually happening, why isn't that said? Why are you assuming the worst? (Actually, I have already indicated my response to the first question and guessed the response to the second)
Cpl (Join to see)
And this is a racist plot to disenfranchise voters... Come on shirley, not everything has racist overtones and not everyone needs to feel like a victim. There were white residents of those districts in the gallery opposing the closures of the non-ADA complaint polling places as well. The commissioner of the board of electors even stated that the option for those not able to travel farther is an absentee ballot. Are you stating that people don't have the means, ability or initiative to request an absentee ballot?
#walkaway shirley, #walkaway
#walkaway shirley, #walkaway
CPT Jack Durish
Of course it's wrong, if the story is true/complete. You can see my issues in my responses to SFC Whitfield...
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