Recent Activity -
Christian, husband, father, son, friend; retired educator of 36 years; retired military of 22 years. Author, "Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay," a memoir on my service at Gitmo as the ranking US Army Medical Department officer with JDOG, JTF 160, FEB-JUN 2002. http://sbprabooks.com/montgomeryjgranger/ Also, narrator, "Heroes of GITMO," a short YouTube documentary based on my book. Hooah! <><
Military Experiences
Oct 1986 - Aug 1987
(1 year, 11 months)Sep 2005 - Nov 2005

Coordinated retrograde movement back to the U.S. for my unit. Trans officer went home on emergency leave. Lucky me!
Dec 2004 - Sep 2005

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Field Medical Assistant: Coordinated medical, preventive medical and environmental services for detention operations. Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Camp Bucca, Ashraf.
Feb 2003 - Jun 2003
Fort Dix, NJ
Trained for no deployment, thanks to Turkey, who voted NOT to allow U.S. forces to travel through their country in order to attack Iraq from the north, but still accepted $7 billion in aid.
Feb 2002 - Jun 2002
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Ranking U.S. Army Medical Department officer with the Joint Detainee Operations Group, Task Force 160, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - helped take care of bad guys.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Jun 2007 - Jul 2007
Additional Duty Safety Officer (USAR)
Feb 2005 - Mar 2005
Officer Advanced (Military Police, Non-Branch Familiarization)
Jul 2004 - Aug 2004
Combined Arms Services and Staff School (CAS3), Camp Ripley, MN
Jun 2000 - Jul 2000
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information