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Responses: 2
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
If morale is a problem, it's because we're having to go back and clean up a mess that never would have happened if we hadn't withdrawn from Iraq and drawn down to almost nothing in Afghanistan. If we had stayed in Iraq beyond 2011, Syria wouldn't be a thing. If we hadn't drawn down in Afghanistan, we'd probably be working on a proper exit strategy now.

Another problem I see that could be eroding morale is promotion systems and the people that get promoted. Toxic leadership and subpar leadership existing because of a broken system will destroy morale.

All of these stupid new rules that have come about in the last few years that bump a lot of good people out or make them fear for their careers is another issue. The Obama administration and all of the harm that they did to the military is the biggest problem I see.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Going to print this off later, add to my library.
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