Posted on Jan 12, 2018
Opinion | Trump’s ‘shithole’ slip of the tongue
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 20
The following quotes are from a NYT article on this same thing, which I responded to elsewhere:
"...demanding to know at a White House meeting why he should accept immigrants from “shithole countries” rather than people from places like Norway, according to people with direct knowledge of the conversation."
Uh-huh. Sounds like more "unnamed sources" to me.
While I don't doubt Trump would say that, because he historically has a habit of calling a spade a spade, it gripes my keister that the automatic fallback by virtually ALL media is "unnamed sources". What with their demonstrated propensity for slinging BS and outright lies all over the place, "unnamed sources" hasn't held any weight with me for a great many years.
“Why do we want people from Haiti here?”
Honestly, what's wrong with this question? It's a question that has to HONESTLY be asked AND ANSWERED about ANY country we may be considering allowing immigrants from...and our law makers KNOW this. This is part and parcel to the whole immigration limits can't get around it.
“As an American, I am ashamed of the president,” said Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez, Democrat of Illinois.
As an American, I'm p*ssed off at people like YOU, Representative Gutierrez. And to make this clear, I'm not talking about you personally or the party you belong to...I'm talking about politicians IN GENERAL who have, for 18 years, sat on their collective *sses on the whole immigration issue with respect to the TEMPORARY STATUS OF 800,000 UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS...all the while, milking any issues revolving around immigration (legal and illegal) for every political advantage possible.
The issue with respect to those 800,000 alone is a DIRECT RESULT of a Congress full of politicians who TOOK NO ACTION to address the immigration status of these people who were KNOWN to be in a TEMPORARY status.
For the past 4 decades and some, you guys have barely EVER even gotten a budget out on time. What...4 times in 44 years?
Seems to me that there are a whole sh*tload of politicians in D.C. who AREN'T. DOING. THEIR. JOBS.
You know what businesses do to their employees who aren't doing their jobs? They get rid of them. There ought to be a pretty d*mn high turnover of politicians in D.C. over this issue, in my opinion.
"Mr. Trump has long argued that the United States should base legal immigration on merit and skills rather than family ties, seeking new entrants who are highly educated, capable of assimilating and unlikely to use government programs for the poor. Some people familiar with his comments argued privately on Thursday night that the president had only tried to press that point, using salty language."
Well, Hells yeah, they should be based on this! At least in part, folks!
And, as an Old Salt myself, if any of these offended politicians would like some lessons on the use of "salty language", I'd be happy to come to D.C. and tell them all they need to have a nice, piping hot cuppa STFU with a side order of Lick The Salt Off The Back Of My B*lls. As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of these 535 people we have in Congress are a bunch of rotten crotchfruit.
"Representative Cedric L. Richmond, Democrat of Louisiana and the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, called the president’s closed-door comments “yet another confirmation of his racially insensitive and ignorant views” and said they reinforced “the concerns that we hear every day, that the president’s slogan, ‘Make America Great Again,’ is really code for ‘Make America White Again.’”"
If your concern is "sensitivity" instead of "reality" and "healthy", then, Representative Richmond, I submit to you that you are seriously lacking in what it takes to be an effective political leader who actually GETS THINGS DONE. Here's a nice, piping hot cuppa STFU with a side order of Stuff That Race Card Up Your *ss.
"When he first moved to rescind the DACA program, Mr. Trump gave lawmakers six months to come up with a replacement. But Democrats have pressed to include a solution in a broad spending package, which must be completed by a deadline of next Friday, when a short-term bill funding the government will expire."
Oh, now here we are again, full circle on this whole Can't Pass A Budget On Time thing again. So now the budget, once again, becomes nothing more than a political football to be used for personal and party gain instead of just a job that should be done...and done on time.
Do. Your. F*cking. Jobs.
"...demanding to know at a White House meeting why he should accept immigrants from “shithole countries” rather than people from places like Norway, according to people with direct knowledge of the conversation."
Uh-huh. Sounds like more "unnamed sources" to me.
While I don't doubt Trump would say that, because he historically has a habit of calling a spade a spade, it gripes my keister that the automatic fallback by virtually ALL media is "unnamed sources". What with their demonstrated propensity for slinging BS and outright lies all over the place, "unnamed sources" hasn't held any weight with me for a great many years.
“Why do we want people from Haiti here?”
Honestly, what's wrong with this question? It's a question that has to HONESTLY be asked AND ANSWERED about ANY country we may be considering allowing immigrants from...and our law makers KNOW this. This is part and parcel to the whole immigration limits can't get around it.
“As an American, I am ashamed of the president,” said Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez, Democrat of Illinois.
As an American, I'm p*ssed off at people like YOU, Representative Gutierrez. And to make this clear, I'm not talking about you personally or the party you belong to...I'm talking about politicians IN GENERAL who have, for 18 years, sat on their collective *sses on the whole immigration issue with respect to the TEMPORARY STATUS OF 800,000 UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS...all the while, milking any issues revolving around immigration (legal and illegal) for every political advantage possible.
The issue with respect to those 800,000 alone is a DIRECT RESULT of a Congress full of politicians who TOOK NO ACTION to address the immigration status of these people who were KNOWN to be in a TEMPORARY status.
For the past 4 decades and some, you guys have barely EVER even gotten a budget out on time. What...4 times in 44 years?
Seems to me that there are a whole sh*tload of politicians in D.C. who AREN'T. DOING. THEIR. JOBS.
You know what businesses do to their employees who aren't doing their jobs? They get rid of them. There ought to be a pretty d*mn high turnover of politicians in D.C. over this issue, in my opinion.
"Mr. Trump has long argued that the United States should base legal immigration on merit and skills rather than family ties, seeking new entrants who are highly educated, capable of assimilating and unlikely to use government programs for the poor. Some people familiar with his comments argued privately on Thursday night that the president had only tried to press that point, using salty language."
Well, Hells yeah, they should be based on this! At least in part, folks!
And, as an Old Salt myself, if any of these offended politicians would like some lessons on the use of "salty language", I'd be happy to come to D.C. and tell them all they need to have a nice, piping hot cuppa STFU with a side order of Lick The Salt Off The Back Of My B*lls. As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of these 535 people we have in Congress are a bunch of rotten crotchfruit.
"Representative Cedric L. Richmond, Democrat of Louisiana and the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, called the president’s closed-door comments “yet another confirmation of his racially insensitive and ignorant views” and said they reinforced “the concerns that we hear every day, that the president’s slogan, ‘Make America Great Again,’ is really code for ‘Make America White Again.’”"
If your concern is "sensitivity" instead of "reality" and "healthy", then, Representative Richmond, I submit to you that you are seriously lacking in what it takes to be an effective political leader who actually GETS THINGS DONE. Here's a nice, piping hot cuppa STFU with a side order of Stuff That Race Card Up Your *ss.
"When he first moved to rescind the DACA program, Mr. Trump gave lawmakers six months to come up with a replacement. But Democrats have pressed to include a solution in a broad spending package, which must be completed by a deadline of next Friday, when a short-term bill funding the government will expire."
Oh, now here we are again, full circle on this whole Can't Pass A Budget On Time thing again. So now the budget, once again, becomes nothing more than a political football to be used for personal and party gain instead of just a job that should be done...and done on time.
Do. Your. F*cking. Jobs.
SSG Donald H "Don" Bates
Even though I support Trump and what he is trying to do, I sometimes cringe at what he tweets or says but then, you know, I have to laugh because the professional politicians don't know how to act when confronted with total honesty of thoughts and feelings. I would like to see more businessmen/women and military in our government! Sick of "professional politicians" who have given themselves such great pensions and healthcare! Put them all on Social Security and Obamacare and see how quickly we see some changes. Just sayin.
CPO Glenn Moss
Bit of an interesting point of view, here...
But isn't "third world country" nothing more than a hoity-toity way of saying "sh*thole country" the way it's commonly used?
But isn't "third world country" nothing more than a hoity-toity way of saying "sh*thole country" the way it's commonly used?
Most of us have been to a number of shithole countries. We would never live there and fully understand why people want to get out of them. It is not our job to take them all.
Now people are offended that Trump said what we all know to be true. Haiti, to use that example, is a shithole and has been for a long time. That is not an indictment of the people there but of the system of government and their leaders who have been unable or unwilling to fix things there for them.
We have 200,000 Salvadorans here that came almost 20 years ago as refuges, temporarily, out of our goodwill to help them recover. They are now unwilling to go back. They know their country is a shithole. Again, no indictment of the people just a reality that not all the world lives in the same level of freedom, opportunity, justice etc. We are not obligated to take or keep them all.
Now people are offended that Trump said what we all know to be true. Haiti, to use that example, is a shithole and has been for a long time. That is not an indictment of the people there but of the system of government and their leaders who have been unable or unwilling to fix things there for them.
We have 200,000 Salvadorans here that came almost 20 years ago as refuges, temporarily, out of our goodwill to help them recover. They are now unwilling to go back. They know their country is a shithole. Again, no indictment of the people just a reality that not all the world lives in the same level of freedom, opportunity, justice etc. We are not obligated to take or keep them all.
1SG Dennis Hicks
The Problem isn't that he called these places a shit hole, the problem is how dare he say bad things. I don't see Americans in droves escaping Trumptown to these shit holes. Nobody in their right mind would do that. Got to love the emotionally unhinged as they go off like a 4th of July fireworks. You can't speak the truth and offend the perpetually offended, they may get super offended.
If your country is so bad you would rather face death at sea than live there any longer, that is a shithole country, add Cuba to the list.
MSG Melvin Miller
And why is it not about race when you depict nations with people of color in contrast to a lilly white nation? Are you two willfully ignorant or in denial?
LTC David Brown
MSG Melvin Miller - maybe your ignorant of economic reality. Norway has the highest percapita wealth in the World.
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