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Responses: 14
MSgt George Cater
Here we have a perfect example of fake news designed to slam Trump with something TOTALLY unrelated to terrorism. It's a pretty well written article clearly calling an apple an orange. OMG, SGT Wallace, didn't you read of here about this moronic criminal in a real news story before you posted this?
The criminal was motivated by sheer GREED , not race or politics. He hoped to manipulate Target stock by using the bombs for his own personal gain. He doesn't come close to the definition of domestic terrorism. He's a crook. I was riding in my car here in central FL when I heard this story multiple times on local radio. No one spun it as terror.

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Maj Rev. Fr. Samuel WATERS - Traditional RC Priest
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CPT Jack Durish SSgt (Join to see) SFC George Smith
SGT Damaso V Santana
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LTC John Shaw
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
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MSG Joseph Cristofaro - This discussion is going nowhere and my h key keeps sticking. "Kelly Anne made a mistake when she said terrorist attack. She would have been more accurate to state they were terrorists that had killed Americans." In Bowling Green? What you had was a political operative reviewing talking point before going on tv and not fully understanding or even reading the story. You are going out of your way to defend her screwup.
"I am uncertain how anyone who has been in a war zone, seen military personnel and civilians killed, and is nonplussed that their killers were allowed to enter the USA." Not sure what nonplussed means. Do you mean pissed? Oh that pisses me off but what also pisses me off is seeing how all these Americans died or were maimed fighting a war we didn't have to. But that's an argument for another day.
"It is extremely difficult to vet people in the 7 countries noted by the E.O. due to the high presence of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, religious ideology, war zones scattering families and residents, government collapses, etc. A pause allows the government time to revamp policies."
The previous administration already had a pause to reassess the vetting process. As I've stated before on RP if Trump wanted to govern effectively he would've worked with the outgoing administration to figure out how they could improve the vetting process. Instead his pompous modus operandi is to pushh through a Muslim ban in an already tense political atmosphere. He ran on the whole anti immigrant platform you would've thought he had some type of plan in place to deal with issues. But alas he's a fugayzee.
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
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MSG Joseph Cristofaro - Which conventional forces are on the ground in Syria? If your guy has it his way we will have forces in Syria enforcing a safe zone the Arabs were supposed to pay for.
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
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MSG Joseph Cristofaro - So no conventional forces . Roger. Dropping bombs by drones and aircraft isn't exactly being dragged into a conflict. Special Forces is such a small footprint and their mission is selective.
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
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MSG Joseph Cristofaro - I just acknowledged the use of aircraft, drones & special forces so obviously there is some involvement in Syria. What is isn't is equivalent to the conflict in Iraq & Afghanistan. We don't have battalions, brigades or divisions of soldiers on the ground in Syria. We have had one fatality. So it's pretty disingenuous to make Syria out to be some quagmire. At least we agree that we shouldn't be the world's police.....but wait I thought America was supposed to lead on everything? I'm going to bed.
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Cpl Joshua Caldwell
The author missed the reason why nobody goes ape shit over the target bomber or the church shooting moron. They had no network, they were not connected to some nefarious global cause that is trying to destroy us. The muslim terrorists work like a nation state with logistic, technical, and moral support. The two idiots cited in the article were a crazy loner who shot up a church and a career criminal lune, who wanted to bomb a target store. Granted the target guy, did have jaiil ties to white supremacists gangs, but his target (ironic) had nothing to do with white hate ideology. that is the disconnect between the author and his observations. If the target idiot had decided to bomb an NAACC office, and it later turned out that he was part of a cell of people who were planning to bomb NAACP offices around the country then the reaction from the POTUS would have been different. Now the question is, was this article intentionally written to mislead the audience? Or was the author imprinting his own irrational fears on the story?
MSgt George Cater
MSgt George Cater
>1 y
It was yellow journalism (fake news) pure and simple. The author may be irrational, but it is in his rabid political spin. He meant to pile on the anti Trump crowd.
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
>1 y
After the ass kicking this is all they have left to resort to.
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LTC Trent Klug
Perhaps, just perhaps, a president doesn't have to speak out about each and every attempted or carried out criminal act.

Second, this is more 'racial'outrage by the white guy trying to pass himself off as a black guy who got caught in the lie because his white birth parents outed him but he's still playing the black guy.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
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I agree. I was confused about how I should read this from
the author. Was he writing like a white Privileged elitest or an unfortunate member of a subjective group marginalized by the hierarchical system established by the man.
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