Posted on Dec 21, 2016
Border Patrol seizes $3M from two cars heading to Mexico
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 9
SP5 Mark Kuzinski This could be used for "The Wall" that Trump is proposing. Used the seized drug money to build "The Wall!"
Capt Seid Waddell
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, that would pay for between 528 to 1760 feet of the wall, depending upon te terrain. It would be a good way to get Mexico to pay for it though - through the Cartels.
"Initially it was estimated that the San Diego fence would cost $14 million -- about $1 million a mile. The first 11 miles of the fence eventually cost $42 million -- $3.8 million per mile, and the last 3.5 miles may cost even more since they cover more difficult terrain. An additional $35 million to complete the final 3.5 miles was approved in 2005 by the Department of Homeland Security -- $10 million per mile."
"Initially it was estimated that the San Diego fence would cost $14 million -- about $1 million a mile. The first 11 miles of the fence eventually cost $42 million -- $3.8 million per mile, and the last 3.5 miles may cost even more since they cover more difficult terrain. An additional $35 million to complete the final 3.5 miles was approved in 2005 by the Department of Homeland Security -- $10 million per mile."

US-Mexico Border Fence / Great Wall of Mexico
US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ended his flirtation with softer immigration policies, declaring 01 September 2016 he would deport millions of undocumented immigrants living in the country and renewing his vow to build a wall on its southern border and make Mexico pay for it. "There will be no amnesty!" leading to citizenship for immigrants already in the U.S., Trump wrote. "Mexico will pay for the wall -- 100%." Trump told...
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Capt Seid Waddell - I agree and bet there is more money they could confiscate on the border, which means Mexican citizens, or illegals, or drug kingpins would be paying for the wall. I imagine over the years a lot more money has been spent already from interdiction efforts!
That is great news SP5 Mark Kuzinski that the U.S. Border Patrol seized over $3 million as they pulled over
1. a Kia Forte that was speeding, finding nearly $34,000 in vacuum-sealed bundles in the center console.
2. a Volkswagen Passat with over $3 million in cardboard boxes inside the trunk
I am glad this cash was interdicted before it reached Mexico where it would most likely be used for nefarious purposes.
I hope the incoming Trump administration will cut the Border patrol to do their job with a vengeance which will strike terror into coyotes who try to smuggle people and drug, gun, money and other contraband running organizations.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL TSgt Joe C. LTC Stephen C. CW5 (Join to see) SFC William Farrell SSgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) SGT Forrest Stewart SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Tom Brown SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"SSgt Robert Marx SGT Robert George PO2 Ed C.
1. a Kia Forte that was speeding, finding nearly $34,000 in vacuum-sealed bundles in the center console.
2. a Volkswagen Passat with over $3 million in cardboard boxes inside the trunk
I am glad this cash was interdicted before it reached Mexico where it would most likely be used for nefarious purposes.
I hope the incoming Trump administration will cut the Border patrol to do their job with a vengeance which will strike terror into coyotes who try to smuggle people and drug, gun, money and other contraband running organizations.
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL TSgt Joe C. LTC Stephen C. CW5 (Join to see) SFC William Farrell SSgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) SGT Forrest Stewart SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Tom Brown SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"SSgt Robert Marx SGT Robert George PO2 Ed C.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski relax, it's the money they saved by buying foreign economy compacts. Much cheaper than flying stuff in under the radar. I caught a few of those back in the day. They were just sightseeing and needed $ for novelty items at the gas stations.
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