SPC Britanny *Winnie* Balthaser

SPC Britanny *Winnie* Balthaser

Dates of Service: Jul 2006 - Jun 2014
75% Complete
78 Contacts
Influence Score: 157,790
607 out of 867,878 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2 Dec 06
  • PFC Sep 07
  • SPC Apr 08

Recent Activity  -


Getting very close to the end of the Army life. Husband is very close to retirement. I begin my graduate program in Hospitality and Tourism with Florida International University at the beginning of 2023. I’m hoping that I can begin my career as my husband finishes one chapter and starts another and we make our final move. We will be in South Carolina in 2026 as is his place of retirement and home

Military Experiences

Aug 2009 - Oct 2011
17th PSYOP
Transitioned into a Psyop Unit with intentions to reclass from an MP to Psyop Specialist. Is took various classes on Psyop operations, field exercises. I became Pregnant in January of 2010 and my husband deployed in June of 2010. I was set to go to reclass in January of 2011, but we had some issues with paperwork and never panned out. I transferred into the IRR when my husband received orders to Germany.
May 2009 - Aug 2009
17th PSYOP
I was transitioning from active duty back to reserve duty and made a unit move from Nevada to Texas. I located a unit where I would be going to school. This gap involved an out process from one unit and a process into another. Placement wasn't fully made until August. It gets a bit hazy for me because I am unsure of when exactly I started with this unit. I know it was around the time I began Culinary School.
Oct 2008 - May 2009
615th MP
Military Police Officer (MP)
My self and several others were moved from Baumholder to Ansbach because of there need for personnel. We conducted garrison police duties. I worked on the road, conducting traffic patrols, traffic accident scenes, as well as dealing with domestic disputes. I did have the opportunity to work with CID on a few cases and assisted them by accompanying a suspect (who tried to stab their husband) to the hospital as well as to a Mental Health Facility. I speak German and the only female on shift so I was tasked with aiding until relieved. CID was processing the scene the entire night so as you may see I had to observe and relay what the suspects frame of mind was. I believe it was an 8 page sworn statement that I wrote and it was the longest night and day I had ever experienced on the job.
Jul 2008 - Oct 2008
92nd MP
Military Police Officer (MP)
I volunteered for this duty while I was deployed in Iraq. U.S forces in Germany were short handed due to the Surge in the Middle East Operations. I learned how Garrison Operation worked in Baumholder through OJT, worked with Polizei on some case and had another combat lifesaver course. We were shortly moved to Baumholder where we were needed more.


(9 months)
Sep 2007 - May 2008
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
During deployment I was the Day TOC Specialist and RTO, I did various tasks working with the S2 on daily PTT operations and intel. Most often I was the one who responded to active situations involving things like IED's and Sniper Fire on the radio which then turned over to TOC Operations NCO. I prepped Sitreps and various paperwork. <Became Winnie

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 2007 - Sep 2007

Temporary Postal Clerk

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Started in 2023

Florida International University

Master's Degree, Hospitality and Tourism Management

2015 - 2017

Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts - Scottsdale

Bachelor's Degree, Bachelors of Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Management

2009 - 2010

Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts - Austin

Associate Degree, Associate of Applied Science Degree in Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter