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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jan 28, 2019
GEN George Casey
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Responses: 80
SFC Casey O'Mally
I'll be the bad guy...

Yet another creed for people to give lip service to but few will honestly attempt to live by.
I'm retired. I'm done with creeds. I now get to live by my own personal code of ethics.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
>1 y
1SG John Faircloth - Now you're gonna make me CREATE a creed? Sheesh! OK... here goes:

Understanding that I am human and will not always succeed, nevertheless I promise to do my level best to:
Act honourably in all things;
Do an honest day's work for an honest day's wage;
Treat everyone with respect -
Even those with whom I disagree;
Understand first, judge second (if at all);
Love, honour, and cherish my wife; and
Fight for my country in battles both big and small

That about covers it.
CPT Terry Lewis
CPT Terry Lewis
>1 y
SFC Casey O'Mally - I like the part about "Love, honour and cherish my wife" (Spouse for the female vets). God knows the grief the military wives go through. I was a Navy brat for 27 years and I saw first hand what it took my Mom and my friend's Moms to live with. I have nothing but the highest admiration and respect for them. The spouse at home deserves a part of every medal that the military member receives and then some. I know my wife does.
SSG Herman Bauman
SSG Herman Bauman
>1 y
CPT Terry Lewis - My wife cheat on me every time I left town.
SGT John Lozynsky
SGT John Lozynsky
>1 y
SSG Herman Bauman - Bummer. You knew this? And did what?
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SPC Part Time Grounds Keeper
How about a line in your veteran's creed where it is mentioned "That I will continue to uphold the Oath I took to Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic and that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

Our Veterans need to understand that the oath we took is duty bound if we as Americans are going to ensure that future generations still have America as a Constitutional Representative Republic.
TSgt James Warfield
TSgt James Warfield
6 y
TSgt James Warfield - Thanks for the info
CPL Alynn Beyer
CPL Alynn Beyer
6 y
Sgt Clyde Sinclair was a member in my town for three years. It is ran here like a joke along with I had enough of the damn buddy buddy system while I was in.
LCpl Glenn Kellar
LCpl Glenn Kellar
>1 y
My oath had no expiration date. I don't need to repeat it
PVT Denise Biers
PVT Denise Biers
5 y
SPC Kenneth Hall yes i agree too. I think it's shameful of our country to Not recognize ALL Veterans for their service.
I've been told because I was in the Army Reserves, I'm considered to be state 'iwned' and that my months serving weren't 'Federal' such as full time Army.
I was told that since I did not serve during 'any' war or conflict I basically do not count.
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LTC Greg Henning
GEN George Casey Thank you sir! These words define us as veterans. It was an honor to serve with you in Baghdad.
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Veterans' Creed - Why We Created It and Why It’s Important.
SPC Margaret Higgins
Edited 6 y ago
Esteemed GEN George Casey: I went ahead and shared The Veterans' Creed; with the Facebook groups- of which I am the coach.
Sir, I pray that you don't mind; that I did so. Thanks.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent share General, have a great afternoon sir
1SG Clifford Barnes
1SG Clifford Barnes
6 y
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
GEN George Casey "Physical Discipline" Damn It! You Had to Go There? No I'm No Longer The "Navy Cheetah" 6'5" 179 Lbs MAA to COMSPAWARSYSCOM Washington DC Navy 5K Runner. Contribute to Society? Several Years Bell Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army, Commander of VFW Post 10299 Prairie Village, KS for Several Years? I'm Just Old and Tired Now but Damn I Had Fun for a Long Time and I Survived a Lot of BS. Rock On General!
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 6 y ago
Thank you GEN George Casey or making us aware that last spring [2018] eleven Veteran Services Organizations came together and developed a Veteran’s Creed.

Yes this Veterans’ Creed is both inspirational and succinct IMHO.
The rationale you provided certainly is cogent:
REMIND Veterans: Of the significance and value of their military service
INSPIRE Veterans: To continue to serve and excel
UNITE Veterans: To make a difference for our country

Veteran’s Creed:
1. I am an American Veteran
2. I proudly served my country
3. I live the values I learned in the military
4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
6. I continue to lead and improve
7. I make a difference
8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades
Thank you for alerting me, my friend CPO Nate S.

FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs COL (Join to see) COL Charles Williams LTC Stephen C. LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Maj William W. 'Bill' Price SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC William Farrell Lt Col Charlie Brown Capt Seid Waddell CPT Jack Durish
SSG Herman Bauman
SSG Herman Bauman
>1 y
I QUIT running and doing physical exercise on 14 April 1976 and as you can see I've managed to survive.
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1SG Retired
I'll take it as soon as Congress and the VA demonstrate some values and sense of mission to Veterans and this Nation .
I followed mine. Let them reach my level before even suggesting I need another.
SGM Bill Frazer
SGM Bill Frazer
6 y
Your right, no one is forcing you to, but to compare us to the upper echelon of the VA and to most the members of Congress is a slap in the face to us all. They live by their own ideals which over the past decades have been proven to be uncaring, unfaithful and sometimes downright un-American.
1SG Retired
1SG (Join to see)
6 y
SGM Bill Frazer Unclear. Compare who to the upper echelon of VA?
Reference to VA is a reference to the upper echelons. Decisions aren't made at the lower levels.
SSG Phil Miller
SSG Phil Miller
6 y
I won't take another creed. He just made that crap up to get recognition. It ain't helping no one. The VA is a bureaucratic nightmare that cannot efficiently care for veterans and they want us to act like they think we matter.
They need to turn our health care over to a competative free market and we will then be treated right.
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CPT David Gowel
I was at the baseball game shown in the image and was impressed to see CW5 (Join to see) (who is standing in the center of the image, reading the Veterans Creed so the Vets present could recite it) lead by example to organize the UH60 landing, static display, creed recitation and liftoff before the game started that day. Great work Chief!
Ryan Callahan
Ryan Callahan
6 y
Great stuff CW5 (Join to see) !
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SSgt Rick Zalon
Admirable effort. Curious why Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) of which I am a 25 year life member isn’t included.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
6 y
Have you asked them??
SSG Herman Bauman
SSG Herman Bauman
>1 y
That's simple. Many people don't consider us veterans.
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