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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jan 18, 2024
Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD
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Responses: 7
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Thanks Barbara. I remember you from GAH. I have reposted this to FB
Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD
Barbara Van Dahlen, PhD
1 y
Hello and thank you so much for sharing this opportunity - and for the Give an Hour mention! It has been an honor to serve those who served. Take good care.
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LTC Self Employed
This marine corps reserved italian commander was a drug enforcement administration agent as well. A colonel I knew worked with him. They went to a bar and discussed their work. And he said he was frustrated with his work and he went home and shot himself. I'm sure if he were sober. He wouldn't have done it but nobody cares about discussing alcohol as a factor. We've had generals and other high-ranking officers killed themselves. And nobody wants to talk about their addictions. My sister committed suicide in 2015 and she had an alcohol problem.


PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter Lt Col Charlie Brown Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen CPT Jack Durish LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden 1SG Russell Scott 1SG Patrick Burke SFC Dr. Jesus Garcia-Arce, Psy.D SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug CDR Andrew McMenamin, PhD Col (Join to see) 1st Lt Padre Dave Poedel CPT (Join to see)
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 y
I Had A SERIOUS Mental Health Issue CREATED By The VA...
( 9+ YEARS Worth Of INSANITY) Misdiagnosed Of A Mental Health Issue; Being "Bi-Polar"
When Actually NOTHING Was Wrong In The 1st Place.
HOWEVER, That Aside, I Was Also Suicidal.
We've All Heard About "Just Taking Our Life & Getting It Over With."
To Me, THAT Did NOT Happen..... I Thought It Over Several Times, "When To Do It And How"....One Day, I'm Driving Down The Freeway Here In Vegas, And Came Upon One Of Those Concrete Road Dividers, The Ones Used To Reduce Traffic Flow, By Slowly Reducing the Number Of Lane......I Almost Decided "THIS is Right The Time, And A GOOD Opportunity"
So I Checked Around For Other Traffic, Checked My Rear-View Mirror As I Was Getting Ready........"Far Too Much Traffic Behind Me..., I Might Hurt Or Kill Someone Else",
So I Postponed It..... .At My Following Appointment With One Of The Other VA'S Nut Crackers... Another Doctor Showed Up ( I SELDOM, If Ever, Had The Same One)..
And I DO Recall His Name: "Doctor Grey".. Here's How It Started (paraphrased) ...
"Good Morning Mr. DeVaney, I'm Dr. Grey. I Will Only Be Here Today; My Wife Works At Nellis (AFB) And Is Being Transferred And I'll Be Going With Her. What Can I Help You With Today?" THEN: He Actually LISTENED To Me ~ Then Took Out A Business Card.. Placing His Cell Phone Number On The Card And Stated...."This Is My Cell Phone Number, .. I'm Taking You OFF The Medication... If You're NOT Improving Within 3 DAYS, Call Me... If You're Not TOTALLY Better In 1 Month ... Call Me! ...I Don't Think ANYTHING Is Wrong With YOU...It's Your Medication "...........
~!~ And "Son-Of-a-Bitch.... I'M CURED"... Of A Non-Existent Mental Health Illness.
Around 10 Fa-King Years Of Created Insanity BY Mental Health Experts..
SO May I Suggest "DO NOT Take 1 -2, Or Even 3 Or More, Of THEIR Opinions...
Get As Many As YOU Believe Necessary Until YOU'RE Comfortable And Confident....PERIOD.
MSgt Donald Graves
MSgt Donald Graves
11 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - I am sorry to hear you had this experience. I work in the mental health field after retiring from being an aircraft mechanic in the AF. (Yeah I know it seems weird.) Unfortunately in my 18 year career in MH I have seen way too many wrongly diagnosed as bipolar. It is a tough battle to get a Doc convinced so they will/ can stop the meds.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
11 mo
MSgt Donald Graves - ...
My Niece, deceased at 50 ~ Pancreatic Cancer ~~~
CAROL SUSAN WONG-DEVANEY ~~ Nothin' Wong About That.
She's Also In Your Field.. .. Finished H.S At 14 ~~ Had To Wait 2 Years Before Colleges Would Accept Her As A Student At 16 ~~~ 3 Master, A PhD & An Associates Before Hitting 34.
Here's Some From The Web... About 4 - 5 Pages In Total:

~~~ "BRAINS" From Her Mothers Side ~~ We DeVaney's Are On The "IDIOT" Side. ~~~
Read, Wrote, Spoke 7 Languages Fluently And Traveled All Over The World Working With Various Political Leaders, As Well As Their Military Personnel.
.Carol Susan Devaney-Wong Books | List of books by author ...
See all books authored by Carol Susan Devaney-Wong, including DeVaney-Wong International Workbook: A Resource for Trainers and Facilitators, and Golden Dreams: Companion to Hellfires of Grief: Love Poems, and more on ThriftBooks.com.

DeVaney-Wong International Workbook: A Resource for Trainers ...
http://www.allbookstores.com/DeVaney-Wong-International...(Albrook AFB Panama)
A master facilitator and organizational development expert, Carol Susan's matetials provide a framework that may suggest valuable ideas for others. Topics include communication, conflict management, change management, diversity and inclusion, strategic planning, and management and leadership.
Dack on Powells.com, also read synopsis and reviews..
MSgt Donald Graves
MSgt Donald Graves
11 mo
Sorry for your loss. She certainly was a remarkable lady.
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A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
Edited 11 mo ago
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