Posted on Aug 6, 2018
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
What do you think is the biggest problem internally facing the military? As for me, I believe there are too many politicized leaders forcing the civilian PC bull onto us. Such as weakened BCT, with units complaining about undisciplined soldiers coming to their units. Forced redundant training that only needs down maybe once every few years. Also, soldiers who have been overweight since they joined, but are allowed to stay even though they don't meet fitness standards and the soldiers that skate by until they get promoted while the good soldiers are overlooked. Also when units blow things out of proportion when a sm seeks help. Finally, the standards regarding Officers, NCOs, and Jr Enlisted in regards to awards and school slots. What do you think? PFC (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG(P) James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" LTC Stephen F. CPL Dave Hoover SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth PVT James Strait SSG (Join to see) Capt Dwayne Conyers CPT Jack Durish
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Responses: 30
Maj Marty Hogan
Edited >1 y ago
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
SPC Sheila Lewis - There are some High School that does happen, Lowell High School in Massachusetts has Air Force ROTC and another school in Boxboro MA, a Regional school had Marine Corp ROTC. Another program in all 50 states plus Puerto Rico and a few other places is the Civil Air Patrol Cadet program. CAP is an Auxiliary of the USAF and the CAP Cadet program is on par level with High School ROTC. I had been a CAP Cadet Myself and also had been in Army ROTC before I entered the USAF on active duty.
Sgt Vance Bonds
Sgt Vance Bonds
>1 y
I wish I had a like button I could hit for the comments.
Edward Samsen
Edward Samsen
>1 y
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - Out here in San Diego, many high schools have a JROTC program. I know Hoover HS has ARMY JROTC I had a student need to take a week away from her studies for summer camp, I signed my authorization for her GO NAVY, BEAT ARMY...the Master Sgt I sent it to came to see me and sau my USNA Pennant in my classroom we had a laugh about it. Morse HS also ARMY JROTC. I do not recall who had NAVY or Air Force. I know one school did have Air Force, I gave them a little greif about it.
Sgt Vance Bonds
Sgt Vance Bonds
>1 y
PO2 David Dunlap At TV he time, i didn't see the up buttons on any posts. The Col helped me and i think admins must have fixed me. LoL!
I hit it now
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
I agree with LTC Greg Henning it does go in cycles. However this time we have become PC because of the population we draw from. Instead of making them comply with our standards, we are moving down (my opinion) to theirs.
SSG(P) Photographer/Owner
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes mam, I just don't understand why. We are the military...we join the military, the military doesn't join you.
SFC Caretaker
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
You answered your own question SSG(P) (Join to see), “We join the Military, the Military doesn’t join you!”

The military was based off of value, conducts, honor, a time honored tradition dating back to tribesmen. Hundreds of years of tradition, successful wars and failures are why we live the codes that we live today.

If these codes don’t cater to your needs then the military is not for you. A soldier does not want or need more then he is capable of giving. One life to save millions in the end is what being a soldier is about.

It’s like committing to a relationship. You have to give if you want to receive. The military has a lot to offer if your willing to learn from those boots that stepped before you.

We all make paths in life Cody, your either a leader or a follower. Stop asking what the military can do for you, and start asking what you can do for your time in service.

If your not helping, your hurting. And in the military that kind of mantality can cost lives. Including yours.
SSgt Brian Brakke
SSgt Brian Brakke
>1 y
Great comments and analogies SFC (Join to see) !
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CPT Jack Durish
Sounds like nothing much has changed in all the years since I enlisted (1966). We had recruits and draftees writing mommy about those mean DIs and the mean things they did. Then mommy wrote her Representative in Congress, who wrote the DA, who wrote to our unit commanders. Tiresome little trolls. When we got to OCS, we were told to not bother writing mommy. If we didn't like anything, anything at all, we could simply quit. No harm, no foul. Well, it seems to me that the all-volunteer military is the equivalent of attending OCS in those days. Don't bother writing. Just quit. No harm, no foul...
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - In my last billet, one of my collateral duties was to investigate Congrints and draft the CG's response. Because I had 72 hours to get the investigation complete, draft approved, and sent out; when I walked into a Regimental or Battalion CP I had "head of the line" privileges and could talk to anybody I wanted, right #$%@%$ NOW. It didn't matter if it was Saturday, Thanksgiving or Christmas Day, if I walked into the CP the Chain of Command had about an hour to get there, and no one went home until I said so. (Let's just say NO ONE was glad to see me, and even when I came down on the command's side I wasn't making friends.) The CG used to joke that I was good at the Congrints because I was happiest when people were mad at me.

_It was painfully clear to me that most congressional staffers had never held a job at burger king let alone knew a thing about the military. I believed that incredible ignorance of all things military was the first requirement of being a congressional staffer.
_It is incredible how much BS the lads told mommy. "No Congressman Umptifratz, the Marine Corps did not sentence Mrs. Benotz's baby boy to 7 years for bending the front sight post on his rifle. Despite what Cpl Benotz (now Pvt Benotz) told his mommy, he was in fact the largest drug trafficker in the Carolinas."
_Not 1 in 20 cases did the Marine have a legitimate complaint.
_When the Marine had a legitimate complaint usually the Chain of Command at the level of Platoon Leader/Platoon Sergeant or lower was doing their damnedest to keep it from getting to Company or Battalion. I cannot remember a single legitimate case where the Marine and either the Company 1stSgt or Battalion Sgt Major couldn't resolve the matter with a five minute conversation (that I had to sit in on, even though I felt it was disrespectful to the senior SNCO to have to do so.)
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Maj John Bell A member of Congress can disrupt your life like a polecat at a picnic and is worth about the same. But damnit, they control the pursestrings
Sgt Thomas Proctor
Sgt Thomas Proctor
>1 y
When I was in service (1959-1963) we had our own way of dealing with trouble makers and whiners, I guess you have heard of "blanket parties" or "GI showers". The NCOIC would look the other way and word of this type of discipline never got outside the barracks. I'm sure in todays military this would not be tolerated but it worked.
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