Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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I didn't deploy to Afghanistan. But I did a tour in Iraq and Vietnam. History repeats itself. Saigon Part II.
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 3 y ago
Thank you my friend SSG Carlos Madden for posting a poignant question.
International affairs tend to be problematic at the national level and range from financial and power gain at local level to devastation of ways of life, families, and towns and villages.
1. Afghanistan and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (the tribal lands) of Pakistan have been intertwined for generations.
2. The Pakistani intelligence [ISI] has enabled camps for training among the various terror groups which operate primarily in Afghanistan. The ISI shielded Bin Laden for scrutiny. The ISI 'guard's the wives and children of terror groups in the northwestern. In this way they have leverage over what the groups do [to an extent, most likely].
3. I am glad that Congress is looking into our relationship with Pakistan. I hope we will work to label the ISI as a terror supporting organization and take appropriate action against their funding streams, etc.
4. I was saddened that the coordination on the drawdown was so unorganized [hindsight] at the strategic level. We transferred Bagram to the Taliban before using its airfield to evacuate foreign nationals, SIV holders, etc. We did not inform the Germans and other allies until the decision to close the base was fulfilled. This also enabled the Taliban to free the terrorists imprisoned there.
5. No doubt there were contingency plans at various echelons [in varying degrees of planning stages] from pessimistic [rapid Taliban sweep] though the expected year-end Taliban sweep. The fact that we unilaterally pulled back our air support and drone support was a bad strategic and operational decision IMHO. The Taliban [potentially ISIL-K as well] had been killing US trained pilots before the evacuation escalated. We had trained the Afghan national military to fight with air support and intel including drone support. When we pulled out all of that air cover, we left the afghan national military to the intel assets of IS, etc.
6. The ISI was instrumental in the offensive to capture Panjshir province where those able to flee to join the resistance gathered. Taliban claims to control the province yet the remote areas still hold some rebel strongholds, most likely.
7. My heart goes out to the women, girls and those men who assisted us and allied forces in Afghanistan. I am thankful that volunteers have been working to get many out of Afghanistan. I hope and pray that many more will be able to be extricated in the coming month.

FYI Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. LTC Jeff Shearer LTC Bill Koski LTC Greg Henning Maj Marty Hogan SFC William Farrell SMSgt Lawrence McCarter PO2 (Join to see) SSG Bill McCoy SGT Mary G. MSgt James Clark-Rosa GySgt Jack Wallace SPC Michael Oles SR SPC Michael Terrell Cpl Vic Burk Cpl (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
LORD I lift Afghanistan and Pakistan to YOU dear LORD. YOU are in complete control of YOUR creation. YOUR WORD makes it clear that the Body of Christ includes people from every tribe, tongue and nation. YOU work all to good for those YOU elected to be YOUR adopted sons and daughters.
Romans 8:28 ESV 'And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.'
I pray that YOU motivate the Biden administration officials and President Biden to do all they can to extricate the individuals and families from their peril. I pray that the vast majority will be able to leave Afghanistan and relocate safely in USA, UK, Canada or elsewhere. ‘Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” [Psalm 83:3-4 ESV]
By the power and authority of the NAME above all names, Jesus the Christ

FYI SMSgt Dr. G. A. Thomas SMSgt David A Asbury SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" MSgt Dave Hoffman SSgt Marian Mitchell SSgt Kelly D. SPC Margaret Higgins SPC Nancy Greene Sgt (Join to see) Sgt Jay Jones Sgt Vance Bonds SSG Michael Grant SSG Michael Noll SSG William Jones CSM Chuck Stafford SFC Chuck MartinezTSgt Chuck Mankin SP5 Dennis Loberger 1LT Peter Duston
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
3 y
LTC Stephen F. - Good prayer
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
3 y
LTC Stephen F. - Dear Steve, Thank You Beyond Compare for Praying.
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Sgt Bob Feltey
Seems like we must repeat history, this make me sad and reminds me of my Vietnam War experience.
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1SG David Spalding
Edited 3 y ago
After a couple of years in Afghanistan issues arose that slowly built up and resulted in pretty much guaranteeing there would never be a US "Victory". One, Afghanistan is not a country by our standards. Never was, never will be. It is a collection of tribes, who do not get along most of the time, and who really don't care what goes on in the rest of the world. We didn't do our homework before we committed divisions of troops. Two, trying to make a tribal society into a democracy was an absolute pipe dream by the administrations. They were foolish to assume this and really put the real mission in the back seat. Three, because of these reasons, it was never feasible to think that a combined Afghan military or police force would stand up to any resistance. They simply do not have the loyalties - particularly when outside of their valley or region. Lastly and most importantly - we forgot the original reason for deploying to Afghanistan: to get bin Laden, to root out and destroy al-Qaeda, and to punish the Taliban for sheltering the terrorists responsible for 9-11. Nation building. That was it, plain and simple, but the powers that be in DC forgot that. Social assistance, reconstruction and all the other touchy-feely crap was snuck in by politicians with no clue of the history of the area. Then they forced restrictive ROE on us which further cemented the fact that we weren't going to win. All to feed defense contractors, who in turn fattened their campaign funds.
Don't get me wrong. Most of the military who served there did so honorably and professionally. We, the military, did not lose. Don't blame the boots, blame the suits!
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MSG Carl Crump
Another Vietnam! So many lives seeves to save a people and a nation, for what? Heartless decision by our soft government. I was there! And I am embarrassed for all who gave some and those who gave their all. I am so sorry!
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
3 y
Another Korean War too! We fought the communist Koreans all the way up to the mountains of the Northern tip of Korea and went home without a treaty, just and handshake. That gave them time to come back down to the 32 parallel where Kim Jun Il is today and we STILL didn't sign an official cease fire agreement!
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
3 y
So much for learning from past mistakes!
MSG Carl Crump
MSG Carl Crump
3 y
After the two world wars, where the men and women fought to win, and did. Now we fight but are not allowed to win, because of weak decisions. God bless those who have served, especially for those we mourn. Eve
Now we have a govt that wont allow us to get together in respect of those who gave their all, for fear that so many will get together and be reminded what our govt has done to our country. We might just run them out of town.

on the days that were
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SPC Shannon Szukala
No surprised. Politicians fucked over veterans, now the Afghanistan people.
Cpl John Parr
Cpl John Parr
3 y
The people likely prefer the Taliban to US Forces, if the rapid turnover of power is any indication. Leaving is doing a lot of people a favor.
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PO2 Master-at-Arms
We have been betrayed by our own government. They no longer reflect us. We didn’t miss birthdays, births, deaths, holidays etc etc just to be stabbed in the back by our own government.

Our oath says protect against enemies “foreign and domestic” as far as I’m concerned. Our whole government is a domestic terrorist cell.
CPO James Barnhart
CPO James Barnhart
3 y
It's sad to say, but you are right on.
Sgt Print Journalist
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SGT E.W. Grover
I don't have too many friends left. After Iraq I thought it couldn't be much worse. I personally feel my time in RC-S was pissed away. I now understand to some extent the frustration of Vietnam vets. Its been nothing but a good damned waste.
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CPO Rob Wong
Imagine trying to unite small Chicago gangs in an effort to fight other unified gangs. After some basic training and equipping, you take the gangs out of their own territories and install them as guardians of another gang’s territory, where you expect them to suddenly respect the rights and properties of the people in those territories. That’s basically the story behind the ANA.
Then you arm and but not train the remaining non-gang members in a territory. You tell them they are now police entrusted to protect their neighborhoods from the bad gang, though they can’t tell the bad gang from the good gang.
Then you tell all the people watching that more money and more ammo are needed to sort things out.
While not exact, that’s basically how the Taliban, ANA, and ALP interacted/intersected in much of Afghanistan. The obvious winners of the scenario are the weapons and supplies dealers. They gangs were just a mechanism to move the guns, ammo, and hundreds of billions of unaccounted for $$!!
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Sgt Michelle Edwards
I can’t help but think of my fellow Marines and friends that lost their lives there and what they would say right now. It’s frustrating for me to think that if we had just pulled out 9 years ago I’d still have my best friend. It’s apparent that the results would be no different. I say this mostly out of hurt and anger. I am also deeply concerned and sad for all the innocent Afghans that are now stuck in that shit hole with such violent & fanatic terrorist assholes. The range of emotions are something else.
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