Posted on Mar 17, 2014
SGT Infantryman
I have four ARCOM's and an ARCOM with V device for a total of 5. Everyone I've gone to seems to give me a different answer. Rack builder had it as two ribbons, one with V device and 3 bronze oak leafs and an empty ribbon. Any help would be appreciated.
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Edited 11 y ago
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Responses: 110
1SG Shane Hansen
Per AR 670-1: &nbsp;When a "V" device is worn with oak leaf clusters, the "V" device is worn on the wearer's right. &nbsp;<div>I say all on one ribbon, the "V" device, and then 4 oak leaf clusters. &nbsp;I say this because the "V" device does not denote a subsequent award, just that one of your awards of the ARCOM were for valor. &nbsp;</div><div>I base this off reading the definition of an oak leaf cluster and the definition of the "V" device. &nbsp;</div>
SFC Carlos Cruz
SFC Carlos Cruz
7 y
We was on the same time since is not something you see much yet authorized. IAW AR 670-1, 3 February 2005; (RAR) issue Date 11 May 2012. Page 278, Wear of appurtenances, read (1) through (b).
(2). If the number of authorized oak leaf clusters exceeds four and will not fit on a single ribbon, a second ribbon is authorized for Wear. Look this up and you will understand it clearly what is authorized. Once you receive a five it oak you will only use one award with the “V” one silver oak.
SFC Carlos Cruz
SFC Carlos Cruz
7 y
All Soldiers are authorized one silver oak for every five bronze oak leaf.
Example, You received 3 bronze award, get a “V” the is total of four per award. Now you get another bronze oak leaf; IAW 670-1 page 278 paragraph (1) through (b) make it clear to used second award until you get the 5 award the became one silver oak leaf eliminating one award and in the one award you will used the "V" with the silver oak leaf.
SFC Carlos Cruz
SFC Carlos Cruz
7 y
SFC Mark Marino was on point. State doesn’t override Federal regulation. Since all state must fallow Federal & they are approved by HRC for ARNG, NG. Reserve unit are Federal not state. 1SGT Shane Hasbun was also on point four per award but has nothing to do with any state is IAW AR 670-1 the apply to all units including NG, ARNG units.
SFC Carlos Cruz
SFC Carlos Cruz
7 y
SSG philips on point AR 670-1, page 278 paragraph 29-12 Wear of appurtenances section (1) through (b).
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Just earn a 6th one and this all becomes a mute point. Go for it!
SPC Wanda Vergara-Yates
SPC Wanda Vergara-Yates
7 y
Interpreting previous comments, wear one ribbon with the V, then a silver OLC. If you get anymore, you add the bronze OLCs after. But the reg should really confirm or correct.
SMSgt Robert Norway
SMSgt Robert Norway
7 y
That would be a 'moot' point....
SSG Information Technology Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
SMSgt Robert Norway - You are correct.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
CW5 Sam R. Baker
7 y
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SFC Francisco Rosario
IAW Army Regulation 670–1, the photo is correct. Please read the following paragraph from the regulation itself. If you are awarded one more, then you could wear the ribbon with the "V" and "1" silver oak leaf cluster (if I'm reading the reg correctly).

Army Regulation 670–1
Uniform and Insignia
Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia20–11. Appurtenances

a. Oakleafclusters. Bronzeoakleafclustersareworntodenoteawardofsecondandsucceedingawardsofdecorations (other than the Air Medal), the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, and unit awards. A silver oak leaf cluster is worn in lieu of five bronze oak leaf clusters. A maximum of four oak leaf clusters may be worn on a single ribbon; a maximum of three oak leaf clusters may be worn with the “V” device on a single ribbon, for a total of four devices on the ribbon. If the number of authorized oak leaf clusters exceeds the maximum authorized then a second ribbon is worn to the wearer’s left of the first ribbon. See DA Pam 670–1 for specific guidance.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
SGT Jason Quarles
SGT Jason Quarles
7 y
That's not an army reserve component achievement that's an arcom army commendation medal
MSG Dale Lee
MSG Dale Lee
7 y
That is how I wear the AAM, I have 1 silver 3 bronze oak leaves and a second ribbon. My Arcom has a V, a silver and 2 bronze. I'm retired so don't have to worry about it changing anymore
MAJ Deputy S1
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Correct, the screen is correct. Earn another and then it can all be reduced to one ribbon with the "V" device and a SOLC.
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