Recent Activity -
Retired from the Arizona Department of Public Safety as a State Trooper and now serve as an Army Reservist (TPU).
Credentialed US Army Counterintelligence (CI) Agent since 1988 with significant experience and training in US Army CI and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations. Four years active airborne infantry and ten years in Special Forces MI. Enlisted in the Army in 1978.
21 years as an AZ State Trooper (retired) and all around awesome dude.
Credentialed US Army Counterintelligence (CI) Agent since 1988 with significant experience and training in US Army CI and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) operations. Four years active airborne infantry and ten years in Special Forces MI. Enlisted in the Army in 1978.
21 years as an AZ State Trooper (retired) and all around awesome dude.
Military Experiences
Dec 2014 - Jan 2019
Platoon Leader
Senior CI Warrant Officer of the Counterintelligence (CI) Company and 2nd Platoon Leader. Manages a Counterintelligence (CI) Operational Management Team consisting of four personnel, which is responsible for five independent Counterintelligence Operational Teams; responsible for CI activities to include conducting investigations and operations to detect and prevent acts of espionage, sabotage, and terrorism directed against U.S. Army activities; prepares, reviews, and approves investigation and operational reports; conducts and supervises both overt and covert investigations; develops, evaluates, and manages sources; researches, coordinates, and implements CI training exercises; supports CI requirements for USARPAC operations and training. Advise the Commander on CI training and operations
Dec 2004 - Oct 2014
OMT Chief
Senior CI Warrant Officer of the Counterintelligence (CI) Company. CO CDR for 9 months. Manages a Counterintelligence (CI) Operational Management Team consisting of four personnel, which is responsible for five independent Counterintelligence Operational Teams; responsible for CI activities to include conducting investigations and operations to detect and prevent acts of espionage, sabotage, and terrorism directed against U.S. Army activities; prepares, reviews, and approves investigation and operational reports; conducts and supervises both overt and covert investigations; develops, evaluates, and manages sources; researches, coordinates, and implements CI training exercises; supports CI requirements for USARPAC operations and training. Advise the Commander on CI training and operations.
Jan 1995 - Dec 2004
OMT Chief
Manages a Counterintelligence (CI) Operational Management Team consisting of four personnel, which is responsible for five independent Counterintelligence Operational Teams; responsible for CI activities to include conducting investigations and operations to detect and prevent acts of espionage, sabotage, and terrorism directed against U.S. Army activities; prepares, reviews, and approves investigation and operational reports; conducts and supervises both overt and covert investigations; develops, evaluates, and manages sources; researches, coordinates, and implements CI training exercises; supports CI requirements for USARPAC operations and training. Advise the Commander on CI training and operations.
Sep 1994 - Jan 1995
WOC - CI Tech
CI SGT/Technician, transitioning to become a warrant officer. Responsible for CI activities to include conducting investigations and operations to detect and prevent acts of espionage, sabotage, and terrorism directed against U.S. Army activities; prepares, reviews, and approves investigation and operational reports; conducts and supervises both overt and covert investigations; develops, evaluates, and manages sources; researches, coordinates, and implements CI training exercises.
(2 years, 11 months)Dec 2012 - Jul 2013

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Operations Officer for the Joint Field Office-Afghanistan (JFOA). Manage, direct and advise eight JFOA counterintelligence (CI) elements consisting of two to five man teams operating throughout Afghanistan; plan CI operations and advise the JFOA Commander; coordinate CI collection operations, target packages and source management issues with IJC.
Jan 2004 - Feb 2005

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Tac HUMINT OPS OIC for 502d MI BN, Camp Victory, Iraq. Manage 3 OMTs, 22 Tactical HUMINT tms and 1 MIT; manage CI investigations and HUMINT operations; manage the SOMMDB; provide intelligence oversight, coordinate CI investigations, collection operations and source management issues with TFCICA and SCO.
Jan 2000 - Nov 2000

Lead a Field HUMINT Team and supervised CI Investigations for 1st ID and 1st AD, Camp Monteith, Gnjilane, Kosovo.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 2002
Behavioral Analysis Interviewing Techniques
Oct 1986
AZ POST Police Officer Certification
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees