Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
I think we as veterans and as citizens we need to start voting veterans in office that will protect our interests and the constitution. Does anyone think that the person that holds the office of president should have some military back ground or is it ok to let mon military personnel as president
SSgt (Join to see)
I agree with that completely. the decisions that they make involve the military they should at least have some military involvement themselves.
I am the best candidate. Too bad I'm in uniform for the next year and a half.
Cpl (Join to see)
Anyone is better than the last 40 years of presidents if you ask me. In fact no president would be the best option unless General "MAD DOG" MATTIS runs for office or Allen West
SFC Rollie Hubbard
Way to many scandals, lies and deceit I hope and pray that she never get that high office. I feel that she will bring this country down so far that we will take years to get it back up to what it once was. She has been in the public far to long, if she was as great as they think then why is there so many scandals.
We don't have much to chose from with who the two parties will put forward. I am convinced that all politicians regardless of party are out for one thing. Themselves.
BTW I would like to vote for the Howard brothers Moe, Curly & Shemp but sadly they are deceased now.
BTW I would like to vote for the Howard brothers Moe, Curly & Shemp but sadly they are deceased now.
Hillary Clinton is just as much as a liar as obama. She's been lying in Washington since the 60's.
PO1 Carol Nines
No, they say what needs said to get in office and then forget who helped get them there. It is all about the money.
Col (Join to see)
Or they did not realize how difficult it would be to implement change once in office.
SSG Gerhard S.
PO1 Nines, I believe they DO remember who got them there. Namely their largest contributors. Whether those Contributors are Corporations, or Unions, or other Special Interest Groups, elected politicians are infamous for ensuring their donors get special favors, or have their competition excluded, or have laws passed that benefit their group. The Loser in all this is the Taxpayer who pays higher product prices, higher Union Dues, and fewer choices to pay for the contributions made to political campaigns by these Unions, Corporations, and other Special Interest Groups. Unfortunately over 40% the money given back to these groups as favors is borrowed and will have to be paid back by our Children and Grand Children.
CPL Richard Robison
I'd say she's also as much a liar as (insert any politician in Washington D.C. today including Graham, Cruz, Boehner, all of them). Hillary will be just as good, and just as bad as any of the others. It's a stupid question.
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