Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
Let's just hope we don't have to find out.
SSG (Join to see)
MSG Wade Huffman - I was also at Menwith Hill and you're right. North Yorkshire would be a great place to retire.
SSG Michael Scott
No, but hell no. Hillary Lied and 4 Americans died. Why would anyone want to support a person who is currently being investigated by the FBI. Then, Tator Salad from the Redneck tour with Jeff Foxworthy, stated, "You can't fix stupid'!
PO1 Aaron Baltosser
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca - Don't expire, that is a sure way to wind up voting for the left sir.
Sgt Carlos Barrera
then Vote, tell your family and friends to vote, don't like Hillary, vote for someone else
Absolutely not! No more Clinton's, Bush's, or Obama's. The family affair in Washington has to stop. We need new blood, someone that is faithful to America and the Constitution, not special interests. I know this is asking a lot, but it doesn't hurt to wish.
LCpl Steve Wininger
SSG (ret) William Martin I concur. She will be worse than Obama ever imagined. Whore of Babylon comes to mind.
Cpl James Waycasie
My goodness, ladies and gentlemen, please don't be so hard on the woman. She doesn't have any problems that a 5.56 to the head wouldn't cure, lol
Capt Michael Greene
Somebody please remind the Right that the Constitution doesn't allow putting people in a database because of their religion. Also tell them that a wall--isolationism--has been proven to lead to a country's self-destruction. There is nothing Christian about patrolling outside a mosque with rifles, nothing patriotic about Rambo taking over government property. And exactly to when do you want to "take our country back?" To lynchings, to the Civil War, or to the unregulated capitalism that brought on the Great Depression? The Democratic candidates are not the best, but at least they're not sociopathic tyrants.
LTC Joseph Gross
Capt Michael Greene - you have drunk fully of the liberal koolaid. Normally I don't care but I worry when one of our own can't think clearly. You are obviously confused if you believe a nation has no responsibility to secure her own borders. You should have learned in high school or college that a nation needs to meet three requirements to be considered something other than a failed state. One of those is the ability to secure your borders. Securing your borders has absolutely nothing to do with isolationism. That you would compare the two makes me question your understanding of government and your role in the military.
Sociopathic liar, serial abuser of the military and vile person would be the best description of the liberal candidate and as much as I dislike Trump, there's is actually little you can point to that makes him anything other than a blowhard.
Sociopathic liar, serial abuser of the military and vile person would be the best description of the liberal candidate and as much as I dislike Trump, there's is actually little you can point to that makes him anything other than a blowhard.
I agree to not only no, but heck no! Especially given her track record as Secretary of State...Benghazi...
MSgt (Join to see)
Not sure how Benghazi is a rally cry for conservative media. Fact is it was an organized attack against an American diplomatic compound that resulted in the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. State Department officials did deny requests for additional security at the consulate prior to the attack. And also with-in hours of the attack an e-mail was sent in Washington to anyone concerned from varying departments verifying it was an organized attack. Not a spontaneous protest triggered by an anti-Muslim video. Several hours later, a second assault targeted a different compound about one mile away. That resulted in the deaths of CIA contractors, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. Ten others were also injured in the attacks. The U.S. filed criminal charges against several individuals, including leader Ahmed Abu Khattala the Benghazi leader of Ansar al-Sharia. Who was one of the organizers of the premeditated attack.
SGT (Join to see)
MSgt (Join to see) "Not sure how Benghazi is a rally cry for conservative media."
Seriously MSGT? Fox news wouldn't shut up about it and how it's proof that the current administration is all traitorous anti americans.
Seriously MSGT? Fox news wouldn't shut up about it and how it's proof that the current administration is all traitorous anti americans.
MSgt (Join to see)
Sorry but Fox News isn't guilty of trying to cover up the boondoggle and fabricated the lies that where told to the nation. That would be the former Secretary of State, Susan Rice and POTUS. But then again who cares and what difference does it make. So yes Seriously! I guess we just have differing opinions. Have a good evening.
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