Recent Activity -
I recently earned a BS in communication with a concentration in journalism. I am now working on a MA in communication. At this point I do not know if I will pursue a doctorate. My original career goal was to be a Middle East correspondent. Over the past several years I have been actively involved with the Kurdish people in the Middle East and plan to work in those areas once I graduate.
I have worked in maintenance and mechanics since leaving the Marines in 87. In 2011 I decided I had enough working jibs that had no meaning and living paycheck to paycheck so I enrolled in College. My academic goal is to become a journalist. My career goals are to work as a Middle East correspondent. I will be attending graduate school once I receive my degree this spring. Once I earn my Master's degree, I will still pursue my career objectives.
I have worked in maintenance and mechanics since leaving the Marines in 87. In 2011 I decided I had enough working jibs that had no meaning and living paycheck to paycheck so I enrolled in College. My academic goal is to become a journalist. My career goals are to work as a Middle East correspondent. I will be attending graduate school once I receive my degree this spring. Once I earn my Master's degree, I will still pursue my career objectives.
Military Experiences
Jan 1984 - Jun 1987
Field Radio Operator
radio operator for S-4, Tactical Operations Center (TOC), Jump Tactical Operations Center (JTOC), India Company Air party operator.
Spent a month in 1985 at I&I in Indianapolis Indiana while attending to a family crisis.
Was Fap'd to BSSG the last few months of my tour due to unit deployment.
Spent a month in 1985 at I&I in Indianapolis Indiana while attending to a family crisis.
Was Fap'd to BSSG the last few months of my tour due to unit deployment.
(6 months)Jul 1984 - Dec 1984
Western Pacific
Field Radio Operator for the Jump Tactical Operations Center (JTOC)
Stationed aboard the USS Denver.
Stationed aboard the USS Denver.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Jun 1983 - Aug 1983
MCRD San Diego
Foreign Language Skills
Arabic (Just beginning) (0+/0+)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information