Posted on May 22, 2021
LTC Self Employed
I live in Canada so I am doing a virtual battle assembly in the United States Army Reserve. I have lived in Canada since 2006. I even went to OEF as a Captain back in 2008-2009. I am married to a Canadian.

My unit allowing is me to do online courses instead. I'm taking a Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Joint Staff Equal Opportunity policy basic training online course and I am dealing with the subject of prejudice and all I see in this is Lori Lightfoot flaunting her power and being racist and sexist towards White male reporters.

What do you think, Rally Point? I bet you cancel culture will totally ignore her and she will probably be on The View next week as a celebrity. Just think what would happen if a Republican Mayor would do this and only want to speak to white reporters? The US military did an extremism stand-down a couple of months ago. I hope this does not become the norm with City Mayors of other ethnicities. It goes against all the civil right movement fought for in the 1950s and 1960s.

She claims she does not have time for White Male reporters. Yes, She does. She has time to let the city go to hell. LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen F. COL (Join to see) COL (Join to see) MAJ (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC Chuck Martinez PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu CSM Charles Hayden SGM Steve Wettstein CPT (Join to see) SPC David S. LTC (Join to see) MSgt Stephen Council SFC (Join to see) LTC Stephen C. SPC (Join to see) COL Lee Flemming Col Joseph Lenertz
Edited 4 y ago
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Responses: 19
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
No racism is justified, period.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
4 y
Capt Gregory Prickett Plus as with many, protesters are confused with rioters.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
I'm sorry that's what you think of me. I have my personal opinion though I am not racist against the vice president nor anybody African American in the US.

I respect people like Tulsi gabbard. I know she is of East Indian descent just like Kamala Harris is of mixed East Indian and African American. I respect most Politicians. A handful have made themselves look bad. I just pointed one out in this post. You say I am worse than Mayor Lightfoot. I have never had a 15-6 investigation towards me. I have never had any complaints against me by enlisted nor Officer. I made it to LTC and I have been well-behaved on RP. I volunteered to go to Iraq. I will not resign because my Civlian Leadership is 2 faced. I never said I would disobey my Civilian Leaders. I posted the latest DOD code on Military freedom of speech.

I am not resigning my commission and my retirement is kicking in within the next five months. You are entitled to your opinion. I have the moral courage to say something is not right. You haven't seen my post overall or you have selective memory because I did talk about Senator Tim Scott, I have spoken about Congressman Burgess Owens. You have already made up your mind so I'm not wasting my breath but others here who are African-American on rallypoint who work for rallypoint are on good terms. I have never been told by the administration to back off from calling somebody defamatory comments or saying things that were insulting. I worked for a one-star African American General who have already shown you the picture of who said that he made it to his position by being a contrarian.

That is how I am as well and I did not fashion myself because of him but I ended up feeling that he and I shared a similar tenacity. He came to my Brigade and spoke to us for half an hour way before I went to the division level.

I have to have moral courage and stand up for what I think is right. You even endorsed me a long time ago saying that I was able to reflect and change my position. On some things like religion, that is possible. So the person that you are putting down saying I am worse than Governor Lightfoot you endorsed Me 3 years ago. I have not let it go to my head and I have always thought to reflect what people have to say so if I was so bad, why did you endorse me? Lt Col Charlie Brown SFC William Farrell SSgt Joseph Baptist SSG Edward Tilton SSG Edward Tilton SFC Bernard Walko SFC James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" CSM Charles Hayden LTC (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
4 y
Chicago is much bloodier than Afghanistan and/or Iraq yet it gets no assistance. The press has never taken on those commanders
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
4 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi Good one!
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LTC Program Manager
Being openly racist against whites is all the rage nowadays, and it has been for quite some time.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
Yeah we in the Army have to do discussions on extremist views and they show us a video that only shows right-wing conspirators in a video that was done before George Floyd was killed. I spoke up in my G3 section and I told them that this is a very skewed stand down because doesn't describe all the burnings of the Cities since May 29th of last year with BLM and antifa causing 90% of the damage yet the media has only pointing at the five or 10% or focusing solely on January 6th, 2021. Some of the right-wing extremists were in solitary confinement. I am not condoning the idiots that stormed the Capitol building but most of those who were arrested by police for the rioting of George Floyd or later are let Go by liberal bleeding heart/leftist district attorneys and that's why the cops are quitting because why should they arrest time and time again when the idiot District Attorney's don't want to prosecute?
It is one reason why the city of Seattle lost 25% of its police force. 17 of the 200 that quit went to work for Everett PD. One of those 17 Officers is a Captain working in my Civil Affairs G9 section. The city wanted 100 to leave and 200 left instead. Thanks to Leftists, the poor and the disadvantaged are now with lack of Police.
SSgt Security Forces
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
LTC (Join to see) LTC (Join to see) Amen brother, we just had to do our "safety stand down," "extremist" training, and "unconscious bias" briefing this last drill. Made me sick. The new string of army recruiting commercials disgusted me after 9 years in the army NG. Comparing those to the new Russian recruiting commercials our great military is being turned into a joke unfortunately.
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
4 y
Oh, boo hoo, traitors tried to overthrow the government and you are feeling sorry for yourself, how sad. Right Wing extremists want to install a Dictator and I will have none of it. “ There has s only one President” Ulysses Grant.
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PO2 Builder
Let's see how the Mayor of Chicago deals with the lawsuits.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
I am sure the ACLU will help with this. I am sure the NAACP is mad as well!
PO2 Builder
PO2 (Join to see)
4 y
LTC (Join to see) Roger That Sir!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
4 y
This is just as bad as Mayor Lightfoot.
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