Posted on Nov 18, 2016
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
RP Members and Connections do you agree or disagree with the message

"Do you believe that fighting through the bad days will earn you some of the best days of your life?"

I believe and I will always practice this until my days are done!

Here's a little motivational message for those individuals that are having a bad day, week, month, year, or even several years. Check this out!

"Sometimes you wake up in the morning ready to take on the day. You have your batteries charged, your motor is revved up and ready to go. Then without warning, a rough wind blows misfortune your way and all the sudden you feel like you just want to crawl back into bed and escape the world for the rest of the day.

It’s easy to find yourself down with a sudden change. It’s easy to long this day to end and a new one to begin. Nevertheless, your perfect morning will one day return. You just have to weather the storm until then. For in order to enjoy a beautiful day, you have to know what it’s like to live through a terrible one. That is how appreciation is built. Without appreciation, we can never truly enjoy the wonderful things life has to offer.

Don’t take a dark day as a c completely negative experience. That darkness will show you so much. I t will show you how to preserve, how to hope and how to get through difficult situations. It takes some dark days to build a bright future.

Not every day is going to be perfect nor will it be easy. That’s’ okay. Those tough days are part of life. Without them, life would be boring and dull. The World would be one predictable re-run that’s repeated day after day. But you don’t have to repeat the darkest days of your life. You just have to learn from the and use each one to build, enjoy and appreciate all the bright days that await you."

365 Daily PEP Talks by Neil Coffman
Edited 8 y ago
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Responses: 50
LTC Stephen F.
I would say enduring through the bad days is one of the better ways to enjoy the good days COL Mikel J. Burroughs. Those of us who know the Lord realize that trails and testing improves us albeit painfully. We are not generally responsible for what happens to us; but we are responsible for how we respond.
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Seid Waddell CW5 (Join to see) SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas SGM David W. Carr LOM, DMSM MP SGT SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT Forrest Stewart SGT John " Mac " McConnell SGT Robert George SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright Kim Bolen RN CCM ACM
SGT Robert George
SGT Robert George
>1 y
Bless you Top !!!
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
1stSgt Chris Schmidt - well said. Every major surgery I went through has had significant complications - torsion of the testicle in 1972 and Mitral valve repair at Walter Reed in 2003 were life threatening complications but buy the grace of God I survived. My colon resection surgery in 2008 gave me purple piss for some time and had me on hard-candy diet for some time. That was weird and somewhat humorous for me.
Sgt Joseph Baker
Sgt Joseph Baker
8 y
1stSgt Chris Schmidt - Hang in there 1stSgt. I have been through a few surgeries myself, and recovering was never enjoyable but better days came after. I remember during my recovery from a motorcycle accident in which I broke my pelvis and dislocated my hip that they had to put my leg in traction. That meant installing two screws in my femur to which they would attach the traction device. They told me you can't numb bone, so it would be painful. It was horrific. I passed out in the middle, which everyone does. I know what it means to 'grin and bear it'. I will pray for your healing.
1SG Wayne Butt
1SG Wayne Butt
8 y
Every day is a blessing and I thank the Lord for allowing me to continue the fight! There will inevitably always be bad with the good! That is by design and it is a way to give and receive blessings knowing darn well the good out weights the bad. You just have to believe! I try to take all the bad things thrown my way and turn them into good things. I especially surround myself with positive like-minded people! If you keep positive energy in your circle, do not let the negative drag you down. My priorities in life are: 1. God, 2. Self, 3. Spouse, 4. Children and 5. Everyone else. Spouse must follow self! If you raise your spouse higher, you will become weak and fail to take care of spouse. Do not let this happen! Lastly, enjoy each day to the fullest! “Live, Love and Laugh!”
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Maj John Bell
Most of my fondest memories are not from the good days, but from the hour when I figured out I had prevailed in the bad days.
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LTC Stephen C.
It sounds juvenile, COL Mikel J. Burroughs, but the lyrics to the 1936 song by Kern-Fields provide an upbeat way to view the bad days:
"Pick yourself up,
Take a deep breath,
Dust yourself off
And start all over again."
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
LTC Stephen C. Awesome! Thanks for sharing Stephen!
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