Posted on Mar 18, 2017
Are you satisfied with the rank/grade at which you retired/ETS'd SHARE OF THE DAY?
Responses: 45
By God's grace I attained the rank of LTC in the US Army SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL. I was frequently in trouble as a teenager and as a soldier before I recognized my need for my savior. I was considered a field soldier with a company grade Article 15 as a PV2 and a General officer grade Article 15 as an O-2. As a brand new Infantry CPT I was selected by then COL Wayne Downing to support the post commander of Warner Kasserne at Bamberg, FRG in February 1984. I was charged with developing a comprehensive in processing program for all soldiers at Bamberg including personnel and Finance, German language, APFT, NBC training, and rifle qualification. etc. I developed a program to support the soldier with flexibility so that German nd US holidays would be days off. TH BG did not want a flexible program. I ended up with a well below center of mass OER from a BG.
I was passed over twice to MAJ and forced out of the regular army in October 1992. I was promoted to MAJ in the USAR while going through CGSC. I was [passed over twice to LTC.
I prayed that I would be promoted to LTC in 1999 along with my new bride. By God's grace I was promoted to LTC in April 2000 one month before my mandatory retirement as a Major would be required.
This promotion allowed me to serve until 2008 including 2 1/2 years mobilized from October 2001 to May 2004. I was able to serve my nation in uniform until May 2008 and retired on October 2016 as an Infantry LTC. My wife was sad that I wasn't promoted higher; but, I reminded my bride that God had been faithful to my desire as I was promoted to LTC despite all the trouble I had been through in my youth.
LTC Stephen C. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Seid Waddell CW5 (Join to see) SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSgt (Join to see) SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT John " Mac " McConnell SGT Robert George SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright SP5 Robert Ruck CPT (Join to see) SCPO Morris RamseyCPL Eric Escasio SPC Margaret Higgins Kim Bolen RN CCM ACM
I was passed over twice to MAJ and forced out of the regular army in October 1992. I was promoted to MAJ in the USAR while going through CGSC. I was [passed over twice to LTC.
I prayed that I would be promoted to LTC in 1999 along with my new bride. By God's grace I was promoted to LTC in April 2000 one month before my mandatory retirement as a Major would be required.
This promotion allowed me to serve until 2008 including 2 1/2 years mobilized from October 2001 to May 2004. I was able to serve my nation in uniform until May 2008 and retired on October 2016 as an Infantry LTC. My wife was sad that I wasn't promoted higher; but, I reminded my bride that God had been faithful to my desire as I was promoted to LTC despite all the trouble I had been through in my youth.
LTC Stephen C. Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Christopher Mueller Capt Seid Waddell CW5 (Join to see) SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SSgt (Join to see) SP5 Mark Kuzinski SGT John " Mac " McConnell SGT Robert George SPC (Join to see) SrA Christopher Wright SP5 Robert Ruck CPT (Join to see) SCPO Morris RamseyCPL Eric Escasio SPC Margaret Higgins Kim Bolen RN CCM ACM
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
LTC Stephen F. thanks for the read/share I am so glad you achieved LTC and more importantly lived to tell about it. God is great! Thank you for sharing and I am so honored to have you as a Friend on RallyPoint and in life in general, what an inspiration for all.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C.
TSgt Joe C. SFC William Farrell PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden SGT Robert George SPC Margaret Higgins SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas PO2 (Anonymous) Maj Marty Hogan SGT Damaso V Santana LTC (Join to see) SFC George Smith SGT (Join to see) SFC Dave Beran SP5 Robert Ruck SGT Philip Roncari
COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C.
TSgt Joe C. SFC William Farrell PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Stephen F. CSM Charles Hayden SGT Robert George SPC Margaret Higgins SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas PO2 (Anonymous) Maj Marty Hogan SGT Damaso V Santana LTC (Join to see) SFC George Smith SGT (Join to see) SFC Dave Beran SP5 Robert Ruck SGT Philip Roncari
Not there yet Joe. 33 years in uniform and still churning for more. I will be pleased when I go though. It has been one helluva ride.
I continue to be amazed at my retirement rank! All I wanted to be was a 1SG, in front of the formation and making noise!
SN Greg Wright
MCPO Roger Collins - Er, 18-year Master Chief?! And that DISAPPOINTS you?! lol. I don't think I've ever heard of one at less than 22 years or so.
MCPO Roger Collins
It's interesting, Greg. I made CPO under 12, my goal was with two hashmarks. Then, a long dry spell. Got selected for SCPO with a date a few months later. Got selected for MCPO before actually promoted to SCPO. I still have collar devices in the new container. Never had the star sewn on my dress blues.
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