Posted on May 3, 2019
Anyone have any guidance on the update to AR 600-8-22?
I work for the USO now and I want to make sure that my volunteers in Iraq are still eligible for the MOVSM. Anyone have any reasonable interpretation, knowledge, possible loopholes for volunteers to be grandfathered in, etc.
P.S. I haven't logged into this site in like four years and I'm still top 15 in my rank and top 1%? Catch up!
P.S. I haven't logged into this site in like four years and I'm still top 15 in my rank and top 1%? Catch up!
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 7
Any thoughts on this?
COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen F. SPC Douglas Bolton Sgt John H. TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL TSgt David L. SMSgt David A Asbury MSgt David Hoffman SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown CPL Dave Hoover CMSgt (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell Sgt Randy Wilber SCPO Morris Ramsey SP5 Mark Kuzinski LTC (Join to see)
COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen F. SPC Douglas Bolton Sgt John H. TSgt Joe C. SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL TSgt David L. SMSgt David A Asbury MSgt David Hoffman SGT (Join to see) LTC David Brown CPL Dave Hoover CMSgt (Join to see) Maj Marty Hogan CPT Jack Durish CW5 Jack Cardwell Sgt Randy Wilber SCPO Morris Ramsey SP5 Mark Kuzinski LTC (Join to see)
LTC Jason Mackay
Anyone can look at ARs via the official website for the APD. Just google Army regulation and the subject or number and it come so up in the first three hits unless Army has a bunch of references.
SPC (Join to see) AR600-8-22 March 2019. It appears your volunteers in Iraq are ineligible. Note 2-25c.
2–25. Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
a. The MOVSM was established by EO 12830, 9 January 1993, as amended by EO 13286, 28 February 2003. It may be awarded to Servicemembers of the Armed Forces of the United States and their RCs who, subsequent to 31 December 1992, perform outstanding volunteer community service of a sustained, direct, and consequential nature.
b. To qualify for award of the MOVSM a Servicemember’s service must meet the following requirements: (1) Be voluntary.
(2) Be to the civilian community, to include the military Family community.
(3) Be significant in nature and produce tangible results.
(4) Reflect favorably on the Army and DOD.
(5) Be of a sustained and direct nature.
c. The MOVSM is not authorized for the following:
(1) A single act or achievement, as this does not constitute sustained community service.
(2) Merely attending membership meetings or social events of a community service group or organization, as this does
not constitute significant and direct community service.
(3) Volunteer service performed while deployed to a combat theater.
(4) Service that is detailed or tasked, or performed as part of a military mission (for example, unit project; command
sponsored project) as this service is not voluntarily in nature or is part of the command’s mission.
(5) Service that results in personal gain for the Soldier.
d. The overall level of volunteer participation and impact of an individual’s community service is key to determining
whether award of the MOVSM is justified. Although sustained community service is not defined by a specific time period or number of volunteer hours (for example, 36 months encompassing 500 hours of direct volunteer service), approval authorities will ensure the service to be honored merits the special recognition afforded by this medal.
e. The MOVSM recognizes service provided to a community over time; therefore, multiple awards of the MOVSM during a single assignment or tour of duty are not authorized.
f. Qualifying volunteer community service may encompass successive tours or assignments. Commanding officers or civilian equivalents may provide a letter of continuity to the Servicemember’s gaining command detailing the Service- member’s previous volunteer service which did not result in award of the MOVSM.
g. Approval authority for award of the MOVSM will be commanders (overseas and CONUS) serving in the rank of lieutenant colonel (LTC/O–5) and above. Before the recommendation is forwarded to the award approval authority, the recommender must certify that the Servicemember meets the eligibility criteria for award of the MOVSM. Substantiating documentation, such as record of hours contributed, letters or certificates from activity supervisors, or other proof of the Servicemember's volunteer services may be attached as enclosures to the recommendation.
h. The rules for processing award of the MOVSM are as follows:
(1) Recommendations for award of the MOVSM will be submitted through official military channels using memoran- dum format. The MOVSM template is available at tions%20templates.
(2) Individuals are only presented an MOVSM on initial award. Subsequent awards of the MOVSM are indicated by bronze service stars (see para 6–11 for further information on the bronze service star).
(3) The MOVSM may be awarded posthumously.
(4) The MOVSM will be worn immediately after the HSM.
(5) TheMOVSMiscategorizedasaservicemedaland,assuch,noordersareissuedtoannounceitsapprovalandthere
is no award certificate. Approval memorandum will be uploaded to Soldier’s AMHRR and MOVSM will be posted to DA Form 4037 for officers and on the ERB for enlisted Soldiers.
(6) The MOVSM is not authorized for award to foreign personnel.
2–25. Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
a. The MOVSM was established by EO 12830, 9 January 1993, as amended by EO 13286, 28 February 2003. It may be awarded to Servicemembers of the Armed Forces of the United States and their RCs who, subsequent to 31 December 1992, perform outstanding volunteer community service of a sustained, direct, and consequential nature.
b. To qualify for award of the MOVSM a Servicemember’s service must meet the following requirements: (1) Be voluntary.
(2) Be to the civilian community, to include the military Family community.
(3) Be significant in nature and produce tangible results.
(4) Reflect favorably on the Army and DOD.
(5) Be of a sustained and direct nature.
c. The MOVSM is not authorized for the following:
(1) A single act or achievement, as this does not constitute sustained community service.
(2) Merely attending membership meetings or social events of a community service group or organization, as this does
not constitute significant and direct community service.
(3) Volunteer service performed while deployed to a combat theater.
(4) Service that is detailed or tasked, or performed as part of a military mission (for example, unit project; command
sponsored project) as this service is not voluntarily in nature or is part of the command’s mission.
(5) Service that results in personal gain for the Soldier.
d. The overall level of volunteer participation and impact of an individual’s community service is key to determining
whether award of the MOVSM is justified. Although sustained community service is not defined by a specific time period or number of volunteer hours (for example, 36 months encompassing 500 hours of direct volunteer service), approval authorities will ensure the service to be honored merits the special recognition afforded by this medal.
e. The MOVSM recognizes service provided to a community over time; therefore, multiple awards of the MOVSM during a single assignment or tour of duty are not authorized.
f. Qualifying volunteer community service may encompass successive tours or assignments. Commanding officers or civilian equivalents may provide a letter of continuity to the Servicemember’s gaining command detailing the Service- member’s previous volunteer service which did not result in award of the MOVSM.
g. Approval authority for award of the MOVSM will be commanders (overseas and CONUS) serving in the rank of lieutenant colonel (LTC/O–5) and above. Before the recommendation is forwarded to the award approval authority, the recommender must certify that the Servicemember meets the eligibility criteria for award of the MOVSM. Substantiating documentation, such as record of hours contributed, letters or certificates from activity supervisors, or other proof of the Servicemember's volunteer services may be attached as enclosures to the recommendation.
h. The rules for processing award of the MOVSM are as follows:
(1) Recommendations for award of the MOVSM will be submitted through official military channels using memoran- dum format. The MOVSM template is available at tions%20templates.
(2) Individuals are only presented an MOVSM on initial award. Subsequent awards of the MOVSM are indicated by bronze service stars (see para 6–11 for further information on the bronze service star).
(3) The MOVSM may be awarded posthumously.
(4) The MOVSM will be worn immediately after the HSM.
(5) TheMOVSMiscategorizedasaservicemedaland,assuch,noordersareissuedtoannounceitsapprovalandthere
is no award certificate. Approval memorandum will be uploaded to Soldier’s AMHRR and MOVSM will be posted to DA Form 4037 for officers and on the ERB for enlisted Soldiers.
(6) The MOVSM is not authorized for award to foreign personnel.
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