Posted on Jan 9, 2017
Can a veteran wear their service uniform with facial hair?
Responses: 189
I last wore my uniform to my brother's military funeral. I too have a beard, which I grew immediately on my retirement from the service, some 15 years ago.
I didn't question the regs. I personally think beards should be allowed in the Military, but regs are regs. I shaved my beard without hesitation, wore my uniform with pride, and re-grew my beard in just a few weeks. It was no big sacrifice.
BTW -- I kept my "regulation mustache" which predates the beard by decades.
I didn't question the regs. I personally think beards should be allowed in the Military, but regs are regs. I shaved my beard without hesitation, wore my uniform with pride, and re-grew my beard in just a few weeks. It was no big sacrifice.
BTW -- I kept my "regulation mustache" which predates the beard by decades.
PO2 Hauke Powers
to those of you who have lost loved ones, my heart goes out to all of you...and I am SO proud that you have maintained the integrity of the Service Regs by dressing and trimming when necessary...God bless all of you..
CW3 Harvey K.
COL Ed Gibson - Thank you, Colonel. That's highly treasured praise from a man who served in three wars.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
I will not wear My Military service uniform ever unless I'm in complete compliance with Regulations. What I have worn is My American Legion Uniform and as it is My haircuts still meet Military standards, I don't wear a beard and the Legion uniform is neat and does indicate My prior Military service and often We have had Honor guards from the Legion.
I haven't looked at the regs, just my own standards: If you put the uniform on, then get to standards. I will not wear my uniform again because I have a beard and don't want to shave. I see no problem wearing medals on a suit/tux to this function which is perfectly ok. Listen the admin POGS took this down as I posted it earlier.
Check out this page:
Check out this page:
Military Uniform Rules for Retirees and Veterans
Retired military members and certain honorably discharged veterans may wear the US Military uniform on certain occasions.
SGM Mikel Dawson
MSgt James Wright - Everyone's got internet, so access to 670-1. No excuse for not looking up the reg yourself.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
I agree although I don't have a beard and My hair is still within standards a don't have the proper issue shoes anymore and won't wear the uniform unless is is 100% within Regulations. I do wear My American Legion Uniform with the service ribbons upon it.
CW3 Tim Trumble
SGM Dawson, SPC Smith wrote in his initial post: I have looked for he answer in AR670-1 and 10 USC 772 but can not find the answer any help would be greatly appreciated. So your flippant response is unnecessary.
Frankly, I'm not sure about Army regs on this, but contrary to Robert DeNiro in the "Deer Hunter", not being in grooming regs when you put on your uniform puts you in the same category visually as a bum on the corner wearing a cammie coat. I personally assume anyone out of grooming regs to be a stolen valor warrior
MSgt George Cater
I think you have your eras a bit mixed up. It wouldn't matter if I had a photo database of every special operator since the 1st Gulf War, US troops during the Vietnam era did not sport beards, certainly not the styled and groomed one wore by DeNiro in that movie. The main indigenous troops the SF worked with then were the Montanyard mountain tribes of Vietnam & Laos who's culture did not include mandatory facial hair. But you probably know this already. If it wasn't a Muslim/cultural manliness thing, the SOF types would not have those beards.
BTW, one of the best Marines I ever knew who made MGySgt in about 17 years retired to a WV mountaintop farm and grew a heroic beard & mustache, but he never wore his uniform again after retirement.
BTW, one of the best Marines I ever knew who made MGySgt in about 17 years retired to a WV mountaintop farm and grew a heroic beard & mustache, but he never wore his uniform again after retirement.
MSgt George Cater
Oh, yeah, my phone app didn't show that someone had changed the initial photo associated with this thread either. The man is no doubt a great operator from your statement, but the 'Conan the Barbarian' pose is inappropriate for the question which was "service uniform" as in blues or greens or whites, not the field/combat uniform.
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Mike Olson - Chris is the poster boy for dedication, resolve, duty, honor, sacrifice.
CW4 William Kessinger
MSgt George Cater - To that point we were held to the hair standards of the time (too hot to sport long hair) and both in beards and mustache's.
We had a few WO pilots that were not career and refused to control their mustaches. I must admit that a Fu Manchu looked great. They were mostly gunnie pilots.
We had a few WO pilots that were not career and refused to control their mustaches. I must admit that a Fu Manchu looked great. They were mostly gunnie pilots.
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