CW4 William Kessinger

CW4 William Kessinger

Dates of Service: Aug 1961 - Oct 1994
88% Complete
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 17,909
3,372 out of 867,883 Veterans
About Discussions


  • AB Jun 61
  • WO1 Jul 68
  • CW2 Jul 69
  • 1LT May 70
  • CPT Oct 72
  • CW4 Jul 79
Commissioning Source:  Direct Commission, May 1970

Recent Activity  -


After leaving active duty in 1973 I was hired by the FAA as an Aviation Safety Inspector in the Pittsburgh Office. Later to ELP and then HOU offices. Left to fly with an Oil Company in 1977. (Pennzoil) Flew G-I's an G-II's, Jetstar's and CL-601's. Left to go fly with an airline, BAe-146's. Airline went belly Up went back to FAA as a Flight Inspection Pilot in Japan. Finely Retired in 1998.

Military Experiences

Sep 1990 - Oct 1995
AH-64A pilot
Served in the "C" Company as a PIC in the AH-64. Had to keep and train at Ft Hood as the Conroe unit did not have a secure cantonment area for the Apache. Later moved all the aircraft to the new Conroe facility. Took the unit over 2 years to upgrade all the troops to ARL combat ready status.
Reverted to the retired rerolls in in 1997 and the unit was deployed to Kuwait for the 2nd Gulf war. Missed it all. Really wanted to be in that one.
Dec 1969 - Jul 1971
Instructor Pilot
Instructed in the TH-13T until transfer to the IFQC course in the UH-1's. Instructed in IC and QC from Hancey Heliport. Accepted a Direct to 1LT in Armor Branch. Later made Capt and was transferred to Ft Knox. Armor Br sent me to Ft Knox as the airfield safety officer after completing the USC Aviation Officer Course. Reported in to personal and they tried to have me assigned as a Company Co in the AIT companies. I snatched up my orders and reported to the AirField Airfield Commander (LTC). He had me assigned me to the Flight Standards as SIC to upgrade all the assigned aviators to standard instrument tickets. Should have stayed a Warrant Officer.
Feb 1969 - Jun 1971
Instrument flight instructor
Instructed in 3 different courses. RWQC, IQC, IFEC once qualified as an IFE in Rotary Wing and Fixed Wing. That rating stayed with me to all future assignments as did the Safety Officer background. Both on active duty and in the Texas Guard and Army Reserve assignments.
Nov 1968 - Nov 1969
Maint Test Pilot
Maintenance Test pilot for all the unit UH-1D-H and UH-1C. Part time Motor Officer. I also filled in for the 2 lift plt's as they needed PIC's to support missions directed by Bt. Flew both Ash and Trash and Combat Support missions as needed.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Started in Jul 1972

USC Safety

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Started in Jun 1970

Duel Rated IFE


Jul 1983

Master Army Aviator

Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1971 - 1972

Aviation Safety Officer (USC)

Associate Degree

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter