Posted on Jul 2, 2019
SSG Iet Trainee
I’ve been heavily considering dropping an SF packet. It’s what I’ve wanted to do since 9th grade. I want to be in the “high speed” unit. I want to serve. I want to not deal with the nonsense of the “big army”. However I’m married now with two girls. I don’t want to jeopardize my relationship with them. I want to chase my dreams but not sacrifice my family.
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CSM Michael Chavaree
First of all, my advise to you is to change your mindset. Special Operations relies heavily on folks who can master the basics and navigate well with limited or constrained resources. It is NOT a way out of dealing with “Regular Army” or its nonsenses. If you cannot shine in your current organization I can assure you that you will not do well in SOF. You mention how YOU want to be in a high speed unit as if the unit will improve you, I challenge you to dig deep and see the potential of what YOU bring to that unit. Be the kind of operator that the unit cant function without. What makes you the BBD? (Bigger Better Deal). Folks are always in search of an easy way out of good order and discipline, however, SOF members have the ability to master the basics and function well with limited resources and supervision. If you already doubt your ability to perform at that capacity because your family may suffer, then I can tell you when the difficulty starts, they will be your easy button and excuse to quit. You can have a family in SOF, that is a common misconception. Good luck, may the odds be in your favor.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You're misinformed about a lot of things. I would venture to guess you don't even know what it is that Special Forces actually does, other than "be high speed". The Army pays everyone's salary, and so everyone, regardless of the unit, deals with big army rules. If you just wanted to be in the unit, you're a 25U, you can be placed in an SF group as a support element. If you were there, you'd realize how ludicrous your question is. Do some research, otherwise you're going to spend two years training to be a green beret and then three more years doing it, just to leave because it's not what you thought it was.
Steve Spear
Steve Spear
>1 y
Lot of pushback PFC to SFC... PFC might want to pause and absorb a bit.
SFC Barbara Layman
SFC Barbara Layman
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - The questions are "What is the experience of those to whom you have spoken? Where have you researched for your information?" It almost appears that they have been steering you away from SOF. Maybe they see something lacking that you don't.
LTC George Morgan
LTC George Morgan
>1 y
The fact you asked this question in the first place says: "NO don't do it." You also say "I don't want to lose my family." If you can find a member of SF, who is married. Ask him how often he see's his family. You will find the answer enlightening!
SGT Jim Wiseman
SGT Jim Wiseman
>1 y
Also, a bit enlightening about you SGT... Your profile pic is of you as a PFC. Reminds me of the PFC in my unit (it was actually Rear D with brand new soldiers in it) who had been promoted, but he was still wearing PV2 rank. When I asked why, he gave me an answer to the effect that he liked getting paid as a PFC, but didn't want the responsibility. As if seeing a lesser rank displayed to command would somehow disqualify him from responsible tasks. I was an SPC (older due to a late-life entry), and a SSG friend of mine pointed out to him it also put him out of uniform and in violation of regs.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Every unit has its own form of "nonsense". Special ops units just have a special kind of nonsense. But they also tend to have incredibly high OPTEMPO, so you will likely spend a great deal of time away from your wife and girls. And often you will not be able to discuss much, if anything about your work, or where you are going, with them. This can lead to an additional form of stress with thefamily. If your goal is to be home each night with your family, I would suggest you forget about SF.
CPT Patrick Oboyle
CPT Patrick Oboyle
>1 y
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