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Responses: 4
LTC Thomas Tennant
I'm all for letting armed teachers in the schools and acting as "first responders" in an active shooter incident. My hope is that they are trained and certified. Why? Because I want them to be successful and survive any threat. They need the "tools" and "skill sets" and "training" so they do not have to respond "on the fly" when they need to act.
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SFC Birk Ellis
I agree on this 100%, being a resident of TN AND entering schools as part of my job AND having a CC permit, having the ability to protect myself and others should the need arise makes sense. There are not enough LEO's or SRO's to cover every school, public and private, having a stable, armed citizen as a line of defense against bad juju is a good choice.
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SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Teachers have too much on their plates the way it is - and get treated horribly and paid dismally. They are there to TEACH kids. Not do the multiple other things we expect them to do and they shouldn't be expected to put their lives on the line for the students. I wouldn't expect any of my daughter's teachers to ever sacrifice themselves for her, especially knowing they have kids and families. That's not their job.

Why are we expecting them to be security when law enforcement doesn't even have an obligation to protect individuals? When they sit outside and cower as a gunman slaughters kids? This is ridiculous and anyone who agrees with it is ridiculous.
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