Posted on Jun 1, 2014
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
I was told that QMP'd Soldiers receive an early retirement. If they did not do the 20 years to retire and were being forced out do you think that they should be given early retirement? Do you think they should just receive their Reserves retirement if they earned that if they are in the USAR?
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Responses: 14
SFC Felix Burgos-Figueroa
Edited >1 y ago
To answer your question. Yes, some NCOs who are QMPed should be entitled to TERA on a ETP case by case basis.

Not all QMPed Soldiers should be allowed to request TERA. Remember, not every Soldier being selected to be put out under QMP is a shit bag. Every case is unique. Some Soldiers are being QMPed for having a "NO" in one of the Army value blocks but the rest of their NCOER is stellar. And no they do not have any other negative documents in their AMHRR.

Of course NCOs with founded EO, SHARP or any other illegal activity investigations should not be given the opportunity to request TERA.

Just remember not everyone being reviewed for QMP should be labeled the same. Some fell victim to toxic leadership. Some NCOs unfortunately have fallen victim to various mental and behavioral health disorders that they received down range while fighting for our Army/government. These disorders have left many NCOs unable to lead and perform their duties in a manner consistent with garrison rules and regulations. Instead of MEB/PEBing all of these Soldiers the Army gave many of these NCOs the boot with no disability benefits. Remember, it you chapter a Soldier under chapters 5-13 or 5-17 or even a chapter 14 they do not receive any type of disability. You're basically throwing them out on street to fend for themselves. SUICIDE LATELY??? The ones who were not MEB, PEB or chaptered are still lingering around only to be victim yet again but to QMP this time.

Also if you've never received a negative NCOER, GOMAR or any other derogatory documents in your file then you have no idea what it feels like to be in those NCOs boots. Good for you!!! Great job!!! That doesn't mean you're not a shit bag. They're plenty of shitty NCOs out there who have never received negative paper. On the flip side some of the best SGMs and other senior leaders we have serving today and in the past have seen a negative piece of paper or two in their day.

If it weren't for budget issues we wouldn't be having this problem. The Army used and abused us during war but now that we're no longer needed they create every board possible to quickly get rid of junior enlisted, NCOs and officers. Where is the governments' loyalty to us? Maybe the Army should get a "NO" in their Army Values block.

Create an exception to policy so QMPed Soldiers can apply for TERA and stop screwing us over!!!
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SGM Matthew Quick
QSP'd NCOs may qualify for early retirement (TERA)

QMP'd NCOs do not qualify for early retirement (TERA)

Title 10 USC, 12686a. Commonly referred to as “18 year lock in”, “Sanctuary” is the term that is used for Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers who are mobilized, and have achieved at least 18 years, but less than 20 years of Active Federal Service (AFS). RC Soldiers are required to apply for sanctuary and may be retained by law until they reach 20 years AFS when they become eligible for retirement pay.
SGM Matthew Quick
SGM Matthew Quick
>1 y
SFC A.M. Drake
SFC A.M. Drake
>1 y
SGM Quick,

Would this apply to active duty or AGR soldiers on the weight control program is they have 18+ yrs AFS as well?
SGM Senior Logistics Advisor
SGM (Join to see)
8 y
Unless you have 18 years....then you are guaranteed your 20.
SSG Military Police
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y

I received QMP notice but have over 18 yrs service. Can I still retire
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SFC Laura Whitehead
I recommend reading Memo: MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION Subject: Army Directive 2014-06 (Qualitative Management Program)
Par. 19-10. a.

I was a RIF (Reduction In Forces). Four of us recruiters where told thank you for your time, but we don't need you any more. This was 2011, and I retired 2012 w/ 20yr. 21d. Fair with the draw down as we need less soldiers in the pipeline. I just hated people looking at me like I was a loser. Others ask "what do you have in your records.." like it is a QMP. I don't mind now because I made it to the other side of the wall. Most of my peers are now facing getting out. I enlisted 150 soldiers and now work as an Employment Transition Coordinator for service members keeping the promise that military experience makes you marketable on the outside.

One of the recruiters was the top in the nation for the last 3 years, one was just promoted to MSG, one was a NCOIC, and then myself. I am glad the others were as high-speed so I could at least say "Hey they got rid of all the best..." and some of the ones they kept is another story. In the end it came down to what MOS/MTOE slot you held. This was an Active Service Management Board for the Army Guard. I need to update my info on RallyPoint, but I was active duty Army for 12 years (title 10) and active duty guard for 8 (Title 32). Two of the soldiers went back on title 10 orders with the Active Duty Army. Two of us just got out and started our civilian lives. Someone has to go and open up slots for the younger soldiers...
SFC Laura Whitehead
SFC Laura Whitehead
>1 y
Yes it is nice. This is my third job though. 1st was a Non-profit that ran out of money, 2nd a start up company that failed, and now ESGR a DOD program that could lose funding?) At the end of the day the military did teach us how to keep going. Only problem it is hard to dress like Clark Kent and take off the uniform. I have learned to love hanging out with my son again, putting flowers on my finger nails, having men carry my boxes for me, and talking crap with old an new friends. It is important to find a meaningful cause when you get out. Mine is working and volunteering with veteran organizations. And i have got to quit looking at RallyPoint.... Always loved debating regulations. Fighting with MEPS... But I have a paper due for school i have been avoiding... Have a good one..

SFC Laura Whitehead
SFC Laura Whitehead
>1 y
I am thankful I was a recruiter. Long work week and being treated like a zero if you didn't have anyone to enlist. Still thankful. When I went out as a recruiter I had to remember to not swear at parents. I would sweet through my uniform when speaking at events... it was really bad.

One time at an employment fair I saw a young man walk up to a table and was asked by the company what he did. He looked like he was talking to an upset SGM and not a civilian. He gave a short description about what he did when he was deployed and than both employer and young soldier (at parade rest) stood there staring at each other. The civilian didn't know what the veteran was saying and the soldier walked away frustrated. Biggest hurdle to over come is learning how to speak civilian.

Every Department of Labor Workforce Center has a Vet Rep assigned to assist transitioning veterans.

There are hundreds of support organizations in you local community.

You can access ACAP/TAP after you get out.

RallyPoint has a career corner.

The trick to transitioning is using all these resources as a tool. Yes I am a tool:) Some may have quality people some may not. It is like the military, some joined as CAT IVs. By not relying on one organization you will find what you need.

Before you get out GET an education.

If you are an electrician other trade-person that can use a federal certification contact DORA Department of Regulatory Agencies and see if you can get it before you get out....

Sorry I can go on and on...
SSG Cadre
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
I don't get early retirement after doing 16 years and being QMP'd over a failed PT test while on recruiting duty it 2008. No Art 15s no nothing an you tell me I shouldn't get early retirement. memo gave me 4 options : TERA, Voluntary Sep, Involuntary Sep and REFRAD. Pretty amazing that after everything I read QMP soldiers are that meet all requirements to be retained even tho the army says you weren't a perfect lil soldier STILL is eligible for full and or partial separation pay.
CPT Daniel Cox
CPT Daniel Cox
>1 y
SFC Laura Whitehead - Did you go through RRS at Fort Ben? If so, what year? My last act in the Army was writing the computer code that RRS used to produce all of the required forms during inprocessing. It turned an eight hour process filling out 18 different forms into a single two-page sheet, having a clerk input all the sheets and then it automatically created the 18 required forms. I had graduated from the Army Officer Office Automation Course (FA 53) and was awaiting my medical discharge.
If I wasn't so pissed at the Army when I got out I would have contacted the Deptment of the Army to produce it for all of the Army Schools. I had 13 good years in the Army, unfortunately I was in for 14.
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