CPT Daniel Cox

CPT Daniel Cox

Dates of Service: Sep 1974 - Oct 1988
90% Complete
14 Contacts
Influence Score: 17,935
3,366 out of 868,063 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Sep 74
  • PV2 Nov 74
  • PFC Jan 75
  • SPC Jan 78
  • 2LT May 80
  • 1LT Nov 81
  • CPT Jan 84
Commissioning Source:  ROTC, May 1980

Recent Activity  -


A heart attack & subsequent double bypass in August of 2003 (knew something bad would happen when I quit smoking in 1/03) changed my Type A personality to Type D. My life for the last nearly 20 years has, to use a poker term, been a freeroll. I lost my 1st wife in 1999 & my 2nd in 2013. For 20 years, I have traveled the world. I enjoy photography, modernist cooking, reading books, & playing poker.

Military Experiences

Dec 1987 - Oct 1988
Computer Programmer
Developed several application programs for the USAR&RS. The largest program reduced the approximately 20 forms that students would have to fill out during inprocessing that took approximately 576 manhours and condensed it to one two page form that reduced inprocessing time to less than 144 manhours.
Jul 1987 - Dec 1987
The Army's course to train officers to become literate in the world of computer operations. We were one of the last classes to learn COBOL instead of ADA.
While taking my End of Course Army Physical Readiness Test I realized that with a Below the Zone Promotion Board looming I could not continue with the illegal modifications to my APRT that the Orthopedics Physician's Assistant at Fort Eustis did for me. That Warrant Officer PA had been a friend at Fort Ord as a Staff Sergeant while I was a PFC/Acting Sergeant. He reviewed my records, gave me a physical, and asked if I wanted to stay in the Army. I said Yes and he gave me P2 profiles for Upper & Lower Extremities; changing my APRT to only a 2 1/2 mile walk. That type of change normally required a P3 profile & a medical board.
Jul 1984 - Jul 1987
Action Officer
Jan 1984 - Jul 1984
Training to become more proficient Chemical Corps Officers.
During the Nuclear and Chemical Targeting Analysis block I took the test without retaking the course. I took two weeks scheduled for the block and went TDY to USANCA at Ft Belvoir, WA; DASIAC in Santa Barbara; and Sandia National Laboratory at Kirtland AFB, NM; for my Course Project, the development of an unclassified Commander's Guide for Nuclear Weapon's Effects.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jan 1984 - Jul 1984

US Army Chemical Officer Advance Course

Dec 1980

US Army Ranger School - Incomplete due to Injury

Jul 1980 - Dec 1980

US Army Chemical Officer Basic Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Mar 1986

IBM Information Study Plans - Office Automation Implementation

Jun 1984

Nuclear and Chemical Targeting Course - 2nd Time

Aug 1981

Army Nuclear Weapons Refresher Training

May 1981 - Jun 1981

Nuclear and Chemical Targeting Course

Foreign Language Skills


Korean (2/1)

Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees


The Empowerment Partnership

Job/Skill Training, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Smoking Cessation Specialist


The Empowerment Partnership

Job/Skill Training, NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

1996 - 1999

University of Alabama in Huntsville

Master's Degree, MS in Management of Technology (Hi Tech MBA)

1977 - 1980

Claremont Men's (now McKenna) College

Bachelors Degree, Dual Economics and Literature

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter