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Responses: 3
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Edited 1 y ago
I find this to be extremely humorous. "So let’s be clear, Sen. Tuberville is actively holding our military hostage and undermining service members who have sacrificed their lives to protect him and his constituents." Tuberville is not holding our militaryhostage. They can still press ahead on nominations as they have shown with Gen CQ Brown. They just want a blanket approval and he is not willing to do that until this provision is removed. Abortion is not healthcare....it is a choice. It is not like one walks into an abortion clinic because they have something that is going to kill them...just ruin their plans and goals...that is not healthcare, that is a choice. The military by allowing or requesting to be able to fund this and LGBTQ surgeries is taking vital dollars from readiness. Every elective lifestyle surgery we pay for is body armor, ammunition, training session, parachute, rifle, tank, airplane, fuel etc that we will not be able to buy to keep our units is top readiness. I understand true healthcare...keeping bodies ready and fit to fight but to me this is a choice not healthcare and for us to pay for it is not right.

Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa CMSgt Marcus Falleaf Cpl Vic Burk MSgt James Parker SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
1 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth Great points Colonel. Unfortunately some don't agree and would rather sacrifice our military readiness in the name of political correctness.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
12 mo
CPL LaForest Gray -I will say as I have said in on otter post...there are no absolutes in life...the child you mentioned yes it is a healthcare decision because for her developing body a pregancy CAN KILL HER and it is life threatening and that is a medical issue...But a majority of abortions in the US are by choice not medically a necessity...AND AGAIN...how does the discussion of a 10 year old girl have national security implications...stay focused on the thread...those discussion are fo another thread...this one is about national security!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
12 mo
CPL LaForest Gray - Out of the 40% of women on Active Duty is it a choice and not a medical condition? Yes it does effect readiness in that case cause they are no longer a fullup round ready to fight. I will bet that out of the 80000 female troops that Rand says may push out it was/is a choice, a choice to have unprotected sex, to not have birth control, and then when they got pregnant it is still a choice to abort or not. Their LIFE DOES NOT DEPEND ON IT. Majority of them (some it is needed tosave the mothers life) will not die if they don't get an abortion. No one is saying they can't go get an abortion...just not on the governments dime or time. Take leave, travel, get it done, and come back. Paying for medically unnecessary (not all are unnecessary) surgeries such as this and trans gender are taking away money from beans, bullets, bombs, fuel and other equipment that is necessary to give our brothers everything possible to win and come home. If they want and abortion then go get it, just not on Uncle Sugars dime!

Lt Col Charlie Brown LTC Trent Klug Maj Ronald (Ron) Scarpa CMSgt Marcus Falleaf Cpl Vic Burk MSgt James Parker SMSgt Lawrence McCarter CMSgt (Join to see) Sgt (Join to see) PO1 H Gene Lawrence LTC David Brown
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
12 mo
CPL LaForest Gray we are just gonna have to agree to disagree...have a good evening.
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LTC Trent Klug
I have no problem with what Tuberville is doing. The Pentagon is trying to do an end around of States rights and are being held accountable.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
I understand this is an Op-Ed. As such, it should be given a certain degree of latitude regarding stating opinions as facts. This goes beyond that latitude. Opinions as facts is one thing. Lies is another.

That military times would publish this is irresponsible.
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