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Responses: 5
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Floating piers are a questionable practice in peace time, in war time one would need to be crazy to try one without completely securing the area. In today’s battlefield that’s just not going to happen. MHO
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
20 d
And the ability to sustain a large force from doing ship to shore is one of the toughest circus tricks any navy can do without a pier or a port.
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1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
Edited 19 d ago
LTC Eric Udouj I spent a couple of months attached to a Taiwan Special Forces, Rough Terrain Parachutist Team. We spent all of our time in the interior of the country where tourist never go. From some of what I experienced, their military is ready and capable of preventing an invasion by Chinese Floating Pier Builders!
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
19 d
From just reading they seem very capable. Thanks for some first hand knowledge.
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
19 d
TW SOF is very good. The whole of the country has changed dramatically in past 30 years as the divide between those who arrived with the KMT and those these before slowly all becomes one and the days of martial law fade. No question anymore as to if the TW people will fight - its in making sure they are organized to fight.
Been into a few place of interior in the north.... know what you mean. Have not been up in the high mountains in the center in the tribal areas.
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LTC Self Employed
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
18 d
SFC (Join to see) Trump has zero leadership ability. His businesses are constantly on the edge of bankruptcy and are sustained only thru fraudulently obtained bank loans. Go ahead and hang your hat on that, as foolish as it may be.
Not exactly sure what world you lived in during his administration, but it definitely was not at peace and it was Trump who set up the withdrawal timetable from Afghanistan which the Biden administration simply followed.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
18 d
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - The proof is in the pudding sir. You mostly make subjective comments that can’t be verified to put Trump in a bad light. Take note you make no notes of Trumps successes during his presidency I listed except to try to make an excuse for Biden and Harris’s failure in surrendering Afghanistan. The timetable you mention was conditional and the Taliban broke all the conditions, therefore there was no agreement. “Biden and Harris had to find some backbone” and hold up the process until peace was restored, until it could proceed. I will also point out that Trump’s plan provided for keeping some of our people there and the airbase, how did that work out? They surrendered province after province, not getting our people and allies out of harms way until it was too late, and we were whipped dogs running from a lost cause. Biden’s and Harris’s actions on that day is a stain on our Country’s honor that will not be put behind us in our lifetime. That’s how bad it was. For you to bring it up indicates how desperate you are to say something positive about Biden and Harris. I personally have no use for them.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
18 d
SFC (Join to see) And I have no use for Trump. Done.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
18 d
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree.
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