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Responses: 3
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Understand that the WPA was just a part of the New Deal. I think it was one of the best things ever done in our country as it massively improved our infrastructure and made us much more ready for WWII. (Don't let anyone lie to you saying otherwise) As I said the WPA was just a part of the New Deal; banking regulation laws and social security are just two other examples and honestly, the GOP has been trying to destroy it ever since.

We certainly need this done again. That is why Biden's new infrastructure plan is so important.
It realizes that infrastructure is just not bridges. However we see who is still against it. Meanwhile, just to show what I see, the roads here in the rural areas of WI need massive repairs. Walker renovated State HWY. 73 north of where I live. One and a half years later it need to be recoated. However, he had a big sandal with our highway money for some reason?????? And I have lots more examples of the same thing here.

They say that the poor infrastructure costs every family in America $3,400.00 a year. While I don't know that for sure, I sure do know that republican potholes knocked out the taillights of my truck and I had to pay that bill!! The WPA was a great idea. We need to repeat it-NOW.
SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
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Randy, I do not understand the resistance to building infrastructure. Look at Texas during that freak storm. The governor still refused any funds to help build the infrastructure needed to prevent a future grid collapse.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
They got a lot accomplished before the war intervened
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PVT Mark Zehner
Good concept!
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