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Responses: 2
MSG Stan Hutchison
I am an example of just the opposite happening.
Last year a widow, last name Hutchinson filed for Survivors Benefits with the VA. Her husband John had died and she rightfully filed her claim. For some reason the name must not have matched, so someone at VA selected my name. My VA disability, including CRSC was stopped. When I saw I had not received my pay I called VA. It took about an hour to get the mistake rectified. A week later I got my pay.
Anytime you have an organization as large as VA, there will be mistakes. As long as those mistakes are resolved, it is just something we have to live with. Improve the system, ensure sufficient safeguards are in place, then move on.
As we used to say in the Army; Shit happens. There will always be scammers. Build a safer system.
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SFC William Farrell
It always amazes me some of the government waste @ sgt rick
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