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Responses: 6
SSgt Gary Andrews
I get the feeling that Trump is setting Mattis up to be the scapegoat if something goes wrong by doing this. After all.....Trump said he knows more than the generals......so why would he give one total control?
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Edited >1 y ago
Depending on the parameters of this authority, this could either be a good tool or a disaster. I would hate to think that the unelected SECDEF could commit the US to a ground war without having to get the approval of the president before say deploying 100k troops to Syria. There needs to be presidential oversight on something like that, as well as congressional input. That's one of the reasons we have civilian control of the military. There are often other vital national interests involved that go beyond the scope of the responsibilities of the SECDEF alone.

But if it was set up with certain thresholds established where the military has the flexibility to increase troops up to a certain level without needing POTUS approval, then I think that makes sense. For example, lets say we had 2000 troops in a country. Maybe the military has the authority to increase that up to 10k without requiring approval, based on mission parameters. But if they want to go higher than that, the president has to approve it. That way the president bears the responsibility and cant later blame things on the military if it turns out badly.

So I'd say give the military some room to maneuver on troops numbers, but not an uncontrolled free pass.
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LTC Ivan Raiklin, Esq.
Are we going back to" Ends, Ways, Means" theory from the reverse?
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
>1 y
Stay tuned!
SPC Chris Schaller
SPC Chris Schaller
>1 y
We shall see
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