Recent Activity -
After leaving the USMC, drove for Greyhound for 10 years. Then worked for the County of Imperial California for 23 years, retiring as assistant director of social services. I now like to write, and have 6 books published on Amazon and Kindle.
Military Experiences
May 1975 - Aug 1978
Recruited out of several different sub-stations during my tour, including Glenview, Palatine, Skokie, Evanston, and Roseland.
Jul 1972 - Aug 1973
NCOIC of Com/Nav Shop
Worked on the RF-4B Phantom jets. While stationed in Japan, also deployed to Okinawa and the P.I.
(4 years, 6 months)May 1975 - Aug 1978
RS Chicago Illinois
Completed a full tour on recruiting duty, working out of several different sub-stations in the Chicago area.
Jul 1972 - Aug 1973
Fmfpac - MCAS Iwakuni Japan
Served a full tour overseas, mostly in Japan. Also deployed to Okinawa and the P.I. before rotating back to the states.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 1970 - Aug 1970
Avionics "A" School
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Personal Information