Posted on Jan 28, 2023
The State of the US Economy Becomes Clear Now That the Election Is Over
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 6
Despite the trainwrecking of the US by Biden admin and Dems, “Republicans actually lost a U.S. Senate seat and only eked out a narrow majority in the House. How did this happen? … social media and Big Tech suppression and control of the political narratives going into the election were important factors in shaping the outcome. In particular, economic data was continually spun, obfuscated, or suppressed to the benefit of Democrats…” (article)
All true but also, and maybe equally affective, were copious amounts of FRAUDULENT VOTES. Throughout the United States. And once the criminals on the Left successfully collaborated to steal a Presidential election, later elections could easily be stolen.
All true but also, and maybe equally affective, were copious amounts of FRAUDULENT VOTES. Throughout the United States. And once the criminals on the Left successfully collaborated to steal a Presidential election, later elections could easily be stolen.
Maj Wayne Crist
Add to it the GOP did not spend their money wisely. They actually spent money on a race in Alaska that featured two leading candidates were Republicans. Honestly they did not support Trump backed candidates like they should have. You can see the RM+NC chair and Senator McConnell hands in this.
McConnell Puts More Money In Alaska, Leaves Arizona Abandoned
Mitch McConnell is putting more money into Alaska to save Lisa Murkowski while Blake Masters remains abandoned in Arizona.
The major media absolutely deserves derision and the loss of viewers and readers. I have a friend who was a local reporter. He said he had to work to find witnesses to stories or people to interview because no one wanted to talk to the media as they had no trust the media would show them in the proper light or wouldn't twist their words to fit the news narrative.
For '24, there needs to be a SOLID PLAN, with details, and coordinated throughout the country. There needs to be a MASSIVE MEDIA BLITZ to support it.
Jus' sayin'
Jus' sayin'
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
There will without doubt be a media blitz, but it will be in favor of the Democrat-Socialists. It's the Republicans and Conservatives who need to learn how to operate in this new world of information warfare, ballot harvesting and false voting.
Sgt (Join to see)
Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis MAJ Hugh Blanchard - Well said. Just know, determined Grass-roots Conservatives are rising up across America. (The extreme danger for states and the country’s freedoms is finally being realized.)
Grass-roots (aka America First, we call ourselves here) just took over my Kent County Republican Party in Blue Michigan. The establishment Kent GOP were so angry, they shut down the long time GOP website, leaving us to scramble, and closed up the HQ. Lol. It’s like we’re the Revolutionary War time colonists standing up to a bigger machine— praying to win.
We need more soldiers in this battle. You basically need to be fed up with your local Swamp. One good thing: Age and infirmities not such a deterrent, as the many jobs to aid your local GOP in this battle include phone calling and mailing out info.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SPC Lyle Montgomery SPC Maurice Evans PO1 Robert P. SGT Tiffanie G. Maj Wayne Crist LTC Trent Klug Sgt Ronald Burcham Maj John Bell SPC Gary C. PO1 Robert P.
Grass-roots (aka America First, we call ourselves here) just took over my Kent County Republican Party in Blue Michigan. The establishment Kent GOP were so angry, they shut down the long time GOP website, leaving us to scramble, and closed up the HQ. Lol. It’s like we’re the Revolutionary War time colonists standing up to a bigger machine— praying to win.
We need more soldiers in this battle. You basically need to be fed up with your local Swamp. One good thing: Age and infirmities not such a deterrent, as the many jobs to aid your local GOP in this battle include phone calling and mailing out info.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SPC Lyle Montgomery SPC Maurice Evans PO1 Robert P. SGT Tiffanie G. Maj Wayne Crist LTC Trent Klug Sgt Ronald Burcham Maj John Bell SPC Gary C. PO1 Robert P.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Sgt (Join to see) - So the old-time GOP mob would rather shut down their store, rather than have to deal with new blood? Well, if that's the case, good riddance!
Sgt (Join to see)
MAJ Hugh Blanchard - That’s what we thought! The change is worth some hardships. Now the new GOP is setting up meetings in various shops, churches and other organizations’ buildings that have been persecuted for speaking out conservatively.
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