Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
I think I'd mentioned sevl times a rather pithy remark I'd read once in a novel, that human technology changes human morality...I realize the inevitability of such things, that, however, doesn't lessen my simultaneously deploring that eventuality, at the same time, you know? The human race has a very weird almost preprogrammed genetic talent, seemingly, for being able to take the most ostensibly benign technical development, and perverting it into a weapon, at least from my sundry ad hoc observations...sometimes, quite honestly, I'd expect that if someone could do the same with air and water, some technical guru or genius somewhere would dream up a way to use them, as well...honestly, guys, some days, truly, I just despair of the species, you know?
Jefe they are a great when they are working for us but when the bad guys get them they are a nightmare. Great article, I would love to have this conversation over a cup of coffee
CW5 Jack Cardwell
They can be used for good but like all things they can be used for nefarious reasons.
Great article Jack. Full of feel good stuff about defense from drones. The reality as I see it is, when a drone shows up you don't have time to call the feds and get a team on site to determine good or bad. If it's a bad guy drone you would have seconds to disable/destroy it. Shooting it out of the sky presents it's own problems. Bullet that goes up, is going to come down somewhere. Netting the drone might get it out of the sky, but the controller will still be able to detonate the payload.There's no simple solution.
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